Hey, guys, what's the meaning of this, does it even have a translation?
Hey, guys, what's the meaning of this, does it even have a translation?
Hey Franco
We've had some discussion of this word before: It has several meanings.
It means picket as in a huelga: Cómo traducir "Piquetero"
In Urban slang it means a gang: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=piquete
It also means a bite or sting of an insect: https://www.google.com/search?source...31.cGCnjQV1Sq0
Last edited by vicente; 09-24-2018 at 10:31 PM.
Hey, Vicente.
I don't quite get the meaning of "piquete" as a gang.
Este es un piquete desente
Hi reminder!
I don't get it either and after I re-read the Urban Dictionary page I think that it is a "made-up" or invented phrase that might, or might not, have caught on, which is a common problem with Urban Dictionary. So I'd scratch it from the list.
I get that it could be derived from picket (line) which could be a group, hence the "gang" reference, but desente isn't a word in Spanish or English to my knowledge, unless they misspelled decente?
P.S. On third review of the Urban Dictionary page I see that the definition got 10 "thumbs up" and 21 "thumbs down"! So it appears that it was not a popular definition even in Urban Dictionary![]()
Last edited by vicente; 09-25-2018 at 12:03 PM.
Hey, Vicente.
I do agree with you about "decente". But I'm afraid I would have never chosen "honest" to qualify a gang. By the way, why am I thinking now of a gangster? A decent gangster?
Hey Reminder
Well, it is colloquial so who knows what they would have had in mind if "decente" was the word they intended to use; however, I suppose that they could have been thinking "good" which is one of the synonyms of decent. In US English decent is used to express things like "She has a good job and makes a decent salary"; or, "We made it, or got here, in a decent amount of time". Also, the term "gang" is not necessarily negative when it is used to describe a group. There are "bikers" or motorcycle gangs who ride for pleasure and do good deeds and are in no way comparable to some of the notorious outlaw biker gangs such as the Hell's Angels and Bandidos..
By the way, "gangster" (gangsta) has taken on a new meaning also. Read the dialogue in this link. It's like reading a different language. I like this post by Revolution: " It's a wonder that people who learn english as
a second language are able to get along at all.
Kids inventin' new slang all the time...!"
What exactly does it mean to 'respect your gangsta'?
Recently, I was talking to someone who was raised in "the 'hood" in South Central Los Angeles and she said "You have to respect my gangsta (gangster)" and I had no idea what she meant. hahaha
I'm still not totally sure but I think it means to respect "who I am".
Last edited by vicente; 09-26-2018 at 11:07 AM.
Hey, Vicente.
I've looked "decent" up and I see that it also means "decente".
Nonetheless, I see your point because I've seen "decent" in plenty of contexts.
As for "gangster", it reminds me of "indio" in South America, which is used very freely too.
Me sale el indio
Bailar el indio
No tiene la culpa el indio, sino el que lo hace compadre
Hacer el indio
Me dio el indio
So philosophical!!
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