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Thread: Hantavirus pneumonia: why in some cases it could be deadly

  1. #1
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    Default Hantavirus pneumonia: why in some cases it could be deadly

    (I'm practicing translation by translate some random texts from electronic newspapers. If there is any mistake I would appreciate that you could correct me. All the corrections and advice are welcome. Thank you)

    Hantavirus pneumonia: why in some cases it could be deadly
    The disease produces in the country more than 100 cases per year and even though the long-tailed colilargo is the principal vector for the virus, the outbreak that develops in the south presented the particularity of person-to-person transmission. In the most serious cases, the lack of oxygenation and the circulatory collapse put in danger the patient life.
    (Source: infobae)

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Default Re: Hantavirus pneumonia: why in some cases it could be deadly

    The disease produces in the country more than 100 cases per year and even though the long-tailed colilargo is the principal vector for the virus, the outbreak that develops in the south presented the particularity of person-to-person transmission. In the most serious cases, the lack of oxygenation and the circulatory collapse put in danger the patient life.

    The disease causes more than 100 cases per year..... ''
    The disease produces in the country more than 100 cases per year''
    The circulatory collapse puts the patients life in danger.... ''
    the circulatory collapse put in danger the patient life.''

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