Hi everybody. I've translated this from Spanish to English. Can you help me correct this, please ? Thank you so much in advance. I need a lot of help and it's easier through email. [email protected] Thank you all infinitely.
pero no vemos a la persona, bebé o adulto que estamos comiendo ✽ sólo vemos al supuesto objeto que los pavitossupuestamente son ✽ que no son objetos los pavitos ✽ sólo vemos al ser supuestamente sin vida, sinreflexiones, sin psicología, sin alma, a la supuesta < cosa < quelos pavos jamás fueron ✽ sólo vemos al < papeo < que los pavos jamás serán
but we do not see the person, baby or adult,that we are eating ✽ we only see the so called object that turkeys supposedly are ✽ turkeys aren’t objects ✽ we only see the supposedly lifeless being, withoutreflections, without psychology, withoutsoul, the so called < thing < that turkeys never were ✽ we only see the < grub < that turkeyswill never be