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Thread: Translation assistance please...

  1. #1
    New Member aalex's Avatar
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    Exclamation Translation assistance please...

    I am needing some assistance with translation of a letter I received...it starts:
    bueno...la rason de essta carta es proque quisiera sies posible me pudiera dar informasion de como puedo optener livros en espanol de natives por la reson de que yo no leo ingles solo espanol yo soy native pero mexicano pero no me olvido de lo que soy y quisiera si es posible me dijieran si usted me pediran consegir el livro do medicina de: DANCINF WITH THE WHEEL THE MEDICINE WHEEL WORKBOOK.

    from my limited spanish understanding, I only comprehend that this individual is in need of a spanish translation of the above mentioned book. Please correct me if I am wrong...any assistance would be greatly appreciated...

  2. #2
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    Default you´re right

    This person basically needs to get books in general, but only in Spanish. He´s particularly interested in getting that book about medicine in Spanish...He´s Mexican, but you can get any Spanish literature...good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aalex
    I am needing some assistance with translation of a letter I received...it starts:
    bueno...la rason de essta carta es proque quisiera sies posible me pudiera dar informasion de como puedo optener livros en espanol de natives por la reson de que yo no leo ingles solo espanol yo soy native pero mexicano pero no me olvido de lo que soy y quisiera si es posible me dijieran si usted me pediran consegir el livro do medicina de: DANCINF WITH THE WHEEL THE MEDICINE WHEEL WORKBOOK.

    from my limited spanish understanding, I only comprehend that this individual is in need of a spanish translation of the above mentioned book. Please correct me if I am wrong...any assistance would be greatly appreciated...
    "Well..the reason I am writing this letter is because I would like to know if it is possible for you to let me know how to get books in Spanish (natives) because I can't read English, just Spanish...I am a native Speaker from Mexican but I have not forgotten who I am, and I would like for you to tell me if you can get the medical book for me: Dancing with the Wheel: The Medicine Wheel Workbook."

  4. #4
    New Member Esperanza's Avatar
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    Default I am mexican and I understand this

    Originally Posted by aalex
    I hope this helps you due to the style in Spanish is not good.

    "Well... the reason of this letter is because I need, if possible, information of how I can get spanish books (native) due to I do not read English but Spanish. I am native but mexican but I forget what I am and I would like you to tell me if you can help me to get the medicine book: DANCINF WITH THE WHEEL THE MEDICINE WHEEL WORKBOOK. "

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