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Thread: Help email translation

  1. #1
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    Default Help email translation

    I need help in understanding the following part of an email. I can understand some words but not all....many thanks

    Estoy muy colgado con el tema del mail, ya no la quiero agarrar a la compu, me pone los pelo de punta, tenia un monton de mail, bueno yo aca ando mejorando todas las cosas por suerte y lastima que me a tocado unos dias de lluvia y se puede aser poco en el campo, me llovio 2 semanas , estamos bajo agua,jaja. Bueno leei el mail que me mandaste y voy a ser lo posible para estar alla, tratare de acomodar unas cosas y aserme un lugarcito.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
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    A male writer is saying that he feels uncomfortable with his computer and has a lot of email. He is improving things, but he has had two weeks of ran and there isn't much that can be done in the countryside. He read the email you sent and he will try to be there. He'll try to find room for some things and make a spot for himself.

    (You probably had trouble reading the message because of the spelling errors. The writer is also very vague, but I assume he's referring to things that are known to you.)


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