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Thread: Help with recipe

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Cool Help with recipe

    I do not speak any Spanish, my mom brought me back a packet of Natillas. If anyone can translate this for me I'd be really grateful! I really want to make them but the instructions are as follows:

    De 1 litro de leche, separater una taza y desleir en ella el contenido de un sobre. Calentar el resto de la leche con azucar.

    Cuando hierva, verter el contenido de la taza y remover constantement.

    Al primer hervor retirar del fuego y verter en platos individuals o en una fuente honda. Dejar enfriar.

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    Default Bon apetit!

    My translation:
    From one liter of milk, separate 1 cup and dissolve in it the contents of 1 envelope. Heat the rest of the milk with sugar.

    When it boils, add the contents of the cup and stir constantly.

    Once it starts boiling remove from heat and pour into individual plates or in a deep bowl. Let cool.

    Bon apetit!

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Aug 2007
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    Default Thank you!

    Thank you so much! I have been wanting to eat it for ages!

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