posted this in the new peoples section but ill post it here too. i got this in an email dont really know what it says please help
nose pk pro tu m das tenura como ganas d cuidarte..ajj t odio jaja. tqm no t stresses y cuidate
posted this in the new peoples section but ill post it here too. i got this in an email dont really know what it says please help
nose pk pro tu m das tenura como ganas d cuidarte..ajj t odio jaja. tqm no t stresses y cuidate
Not sure if they already translated this for you, but the shorthand Spanish is simple (and sweet):
Written out, it says "No sé por qué pero tu me das te(r)nura como ganas de cuidarte...ah te odio jaja. Te quiero mucho, no te (e)streses y cuidate. Chao!"
Translated, "I don't know why but I think you're sweet and I feel like taking care of you...I hate you haha! I love you a lot, don't stress out and take care of yourself. Bye!"
thank you for helping me
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