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Thread: Sera - Sin Bandera

  1. #1
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    Default Sera - Sin Bandera

    Hello all!

    I am trying to translate the song Será by Sin Bandera. I understand the song completely in Spanish, but I'm trying to translate it for someone that speaks absolutely no Spanish and want to maintain both accuracy as well as some of its poetic beauty.

    So I have the original Spanish as well as my English translation below. If anyone has suggestions on how to make it more accurate or more poetic I would REALLY appreciate it!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    Y me quedé soñando, con la ilusión a cuestas,
    I kept on dreaming, carrying around illusions
    Con la esperanza guardada,

    With my hope kept
    en el bolsillo roto de un pantalón,

    In a broken pants’ pocket
    en el baúl sin fondo de mis decepciones

    In an unending chest of deceptions

    Aletargado en el tiempo obsesionado con verte

    Weary from time spent obsessing over seeing you
    Se enrojecieron mis ojos se marchitaba mi mente

    My eyes reddened, my mind faded
    (I think it sounds better to say “My eyes reddening, my mind fading” but
    that doesn’t necessarily follow the tense used in Spanish…)

    Será, que aún no se llenaba la luna
    It could be, that the moon wasn’t full
    Será, que el tiempo fue menguando nuestras ganas

    It could be, that time diminished our desires
    Será, será, será, será la luna
    It could be, it could be, it could be, it could be the moon
    Será, será, será, serán las ganas, será...

    It could be, it could be, it could be, it could be our desires, it could be...

    Y me quedé en suspenso, con una historia breve,

    I was left in suspense, with a brief history
    en los niveles más bajos de mis latidos del corazón

    In the lowest levels of the beatings of my heart
    entre lo inverosímil de mis frustraciones

    Among the improbabilities of my frustrations
    Last edited by LauraAna; 12-17-2007 at 02:10 AM.

  2. #2
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    I've made a few suggestions below. Beautiful lyrics!

    Quote Originally Posted by LauraAna
    Hello all!

    I am trying to translate the song Será by Sin Bandera. I understand the song completely in Spanish, but I'm trying to translate it for someone that speaks absolutely no Spanish and want to maintain both accuracy as well as some of its poetic beauty.

    So I have the original Spanish as well as my English translation below. If anyone has suggestions on how to make it more accurate or more poetic I would REALLY appreciate it!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    Y me quedé soñando, con la ilusión a cuestas,
    I kept on dreaming, carrying around illusions
    Con la esperanza guardada,

    With my hope kept
    en el bolsillo roto de un pantalón,

    In a broken(RIPPED) pants’ pocket
    en el baúl sin fondo de mis decepciones

    In an unending chest(BOTTOMLESS TRUNK) of deceptions

    Aletargado en el tiempo obsesionado con verte

    Weary from time spent obsessing over seeing you
    Se enrojecieron mis ojos se marchitaba mi mente

    My eyes reddened, my mind faded
    (I think it sounds better to say “My eyes reddening, my mind fading” but
    that doesn’t necessarily follow the tense used in Spanish…)

    Será, que aún no se llenaba la luna
    It could be, that the moon wasn’t full (YET)
    Será, que el tiempo fue menguando nuestras ganas

    It could be, that time diminished our desires
    Será, será, será, será la luna
    It could be, it could be, it could be, it could be the moon
    Será, será, será, serán las ganas, será...

    It could be, it could be, it could be, it could be our desires, it could be...

    Y me quedé en suspenso, con una historia breve,

    I was left in suspense, with a brief history
    en los niveles más bajos de mis latidos del corazón

    In the lowest levels of the beatings of my heart
    entre lo inverosímil de mis frustraciones

    Among the improbabilities of my frustrations

  3. #3
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Hi Lauraana! I don't think you have to translate exactly into Spanish. I would rather use
    "Perhaps" instead of "it could be". It does not change the meaning but also it is a lot more English and romantic. Don't you think?

    Perhaps, the moon was not full

    I also wanted to say that the first time I heard this song was by Ricardo Montaner, long ago, around the end of the 80's or so.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  4. #4
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    Thanks so much to both of you!!

    I agree that "perhaps" does sound better... especially since it is repeated so many times in the chorus!! Much better to just have one word.

    And I also agree that the lyrics are beautiful...

    Thanks again!

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