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Thread: translation!

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default translation!

    can someone please help to translate the following:

    hola como estas que tal canada que estas haciendo
    y si ecuador es muy alegre y que mal que no puedas sentir el power otre vez cuidate mucho.
    un besooooooo

    I'm pretty sure it means something about...glad you felt the power but feel badly that you cant feel it another time? not sure about anything else so a real complete translation would be awesome!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Jcal There is no much punctuation in the message but I think, it can be translated as follows
    Hope it helps

    Hi. How are you? How do you like Canada?. What are you doing?
    Yes, Ecuador is a very cheering place. Too bad you can´t feel the power . Once again take care of your self

    Kisses !!!

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