May I get some help or confirmation with my amateur translation? I found the song here
and it has intrigued me ever since.
Saldré a buscar al amor I will go out to look for love
con las uñas, con los dientes with the fingernales, with the teeth
saldré a buscar al amor I'll go out to look for love
que no sea indiferente that is not indifferent (?)
Saldré a buscar al amor I'll go out to look for love
a ese amor que a mi me quiera ...for that love that loves me
porque yo quiero a ese amor because I love that love
que aunque me cueste, amor sea..., Ese amor that even though it costs me, it will be love (?)
saldré a buscarte a donde quieras I'm going out to look for you where you want
saldré a buscarte amor aunque me hieras I'm going out to look for you even though you hurt me
saldré a buscarte mientras pueda I'm going out to look for you as long as I can
saldré a buscarte amor aunque me duelas I'm going out to bring love to you (?) even though it hurts me
Saldré a buscar al amor I'm going out to look for love
Porque aún me queda ternura because I still have tenderness
saldré a buscar al amor I'm going out to look for love
con un grito de aventura with a cry of adventure
Saldré a buscar al amor I'm going out to look for love
a ese amor que siendo tierno ...for that love which by being tender
tenga la fuerza del mar has the power of the sea
y el deseo de los tiempos..., A ese amor and the desire of the times...To that love(?)