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With regard to Alex; I don't know if I did the right thing by not asking him for his phone number, and waiting for him to ask either Ricky or me for it. I know he has already asked Ricky, but I was shy/sad, you know..
Then I thought I would send him an Email, just to say Hi. In case he might think I am not interested in him. But I don't know if this a good idea or if I am been too forward. What do you think?
con respecto a Alex, yo no se si hice bien en no pedirle su telefono y esperar a que el se lo pida a Rick o a mi, yo se que ya el se lo a pedido a Rick, pero me dio pena, tu sabes...
Entonces estaba pensando mandarle un email, como de saludo, no vaya a ser que piense que es que yo no estoy interesada en el, pero no se si sera una buena idea o un atrevimiento mio. Que crees???