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Thread: Is this correct?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this correct?

    Hoping someone can check to see if my translation is correct. There is one word which I don't understand and cannot find it in any Spanish dictionary. The word is 'resando' ... I think my friend misspelled the word and I am thinking it could be 'esperando'. Thanks:

    'Pienso que tendras mucho trabajo ojala que no sea por la huelga estoy
    resando para que me digas que la huelga no comenzara, extraño no tener noticias tuyas escribeme cuando puedas yo estoy bien trabajando como siempre'

    I think that you have a lot of work. I hope that it is not because of the strike. I am (waiting????) that you say to me that the strike hasn't started. I miss not having your news. Write me when you can. I am well, working as always.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Your translation is ok. The word is "rezando". That's why you couldn't find it in the dictionary and it means "praying"

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    The only change I would make is "I miss not having your news" to "I miss not hearing from you". Mer explained perfectly the missing word and everything else looks good!


  4. #4
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    thanks ... much appreciated

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