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Thread: Greeting to all...

  1. #1
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    Default Greeting to all...


    My name is Kristina. I am looking for some help in translating an email that I recieved in regards to my family research. This email was written in Spanish. I would also like to repy to this gentlemen and would need some help intranslating my reply into Spanish. I tried to use the Babel Fish program but it does not translate very well. I will paste a copy on the email to my post. My email address is [email protected] of you would like to send the translation to my email instead of posting it on here. I thank you in advance for your time and efforts.

    Estimada Kristina, referente a todos los datos recibidos, no me queda claro que es "carta franca", la traduccion no lo toma bien del ingles al traducirlo al español, otra cosa que no me queda clara es de quien es hija usted, cual es su padre? que nombre tiene? usted es una persona joven?.
    Por otra parte hice mi investigacion, hoy hable telefonicamente a Italia a un primo que tiene 80 años para que me diera algunos datos: mi abuelo se llamaba Giacomo y mi abuela Giovanna, tuvieron 6 hijos tres eran varones que seguian la descendencia del apellido, Giacomo, Milko y Rodalfo que era mi padre, por lo tanto pienso que no tenemos ningun parentesco. Ignoro los nombres de los hermanos de mi abuelo (si los tuvo). Siempre vivieron en Santa Domenica de Albona (hoy Labin).
    Tambien me ocupe de llamar al otro Cergnul que vive en Buenos Aires, pero fallecio hace 4 años y era argentino, asi que sus padres eran de Pola, en Istria. de lo cual pienso que tampoco somos parientes ni mios ni de usted.
    Otra cosa, en el plano de Croacia no figura una ciudad Blatto o Belloti.
    Navegando por internet vi que usted hace varios años que esta buscando informacion sobre sus raices, espero que tenga suerte de todo corazon.
    Ya que navega por internet, busque en Google o Yahoo "Mar del Plata" y vera en que linda ciudad vivo.
    Espero quedar a sus ordenes aqui en mi mail si tiene deseos de contestarme, estoy a su disposicion.
    Saludos a usted y su familia, y nuevamente le deseo suerte.
    MARIO y FAMILIA. Chauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    Thank you,
    Kristina Cergnul

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Default Here goes something

    So I am just studying spanish and I don't have it fluent yet, but I will give it a try. Good practice, some one else help me if I messed up.

    Esteemed Kristina

    Referring to all the recived dates, I am not quite clear about what the "carta franca" is, the english translator I used didn't work too well. Another think that still isn't clear is, who is your daughter, which is your father and what is his name? Are you a young person? The other part I did my investigation. Today I talked on the phone to a cousin(?) in italy that is 80 years old, who gave me (or maybe was supposed to give me) some dates: my grandfather Giacomo, my grandmother Giovanna, who had 6 kids, three of which were men that have the last name, Giacomo, Milko y Rodalfo that was my father('s), but I don't think we are related. Ignore the names of the brothers of my grandma (if you had them). They used to live in Santa Domenica do Albona (today Labin).

    Also, I was busy calling(contacting?) the other Cergnul that lives in Buenos Aires, but he/she passed away 4 years ago in Argentina, as(or so) your parents were from Pola in Istria. But I don't think that he/she was related to either one of us.

    Another Thing, in the Croacia Plane it doesn't appear to be a city called Blatto or Belloti.

    While surfing on the internet I saw that you have spent quite a few years looking for information about your roots, I heartily wish you good luck. Since you surf online, you should search in Google or Yahoo for "Mar del Plata" (sea of silver) and you will see that beautiful city live.

    I hope to remain your order here in my mail(?). Contact me whenever you want. I am available to help. Health to you and your family and again I wish you luck

    Mario y Family. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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