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Thread: Please help this Georgian translate a message from Argentina

  1. #1
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    Smile Please help this Georgian translate a message from Argentina

    Recently I was given the opportunity to go to Argentina and I took it. We visited Salta and BA among other places. In Salta I met someone, but I am back in Georgia for the time. This is one of the messages I cannot translate very well.

    hola joey! como estas? hoy volvi de mi casa de campo con muchas novedades laborales! tengo la posibilidad de emprender una empresa turistica alli..es una buena oportunidad estoy muy feliz por eso realizaria un hotel orientado al turismo aventura! es muy divertido para realizar caza y pesca y al frente hay una gran laguna de cocodrilos es apasionante..aunque tengo que admitir que me gusta la ciudad mas que el campo..que estas haciendo por estos dias? novedades?

    Thank you in advance for helping me!!!!!! The google translation seemed to be off.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    hola joey! como estas? hoy volvi de mi casa de campo con muchas novedades laborales! tengo la posibilidad de emprender una empresa turistica alli..es una buena oportunidad estoy muy feliz por eso realizaria un hotel orientado al turismo aventura! es muy divertido para realizar caza y pesca y al frente hay una gran laguna de cocodrilos es apasionante..aunque tengo que admitir que me gusta la ciudad mas que el campo..que estas haciendo por estos dias? novedades?

    Hi joey! how are you? I got back to my country house with lots of job news! I have the chance to undertake a tourist company there....it's a great opportunity, I'm very happy about it, i'd run a hotel geared toward tourist adventures!it's a lot of fun to undertake hunting and fishing and out front there is a big lagoon with crocodiles, it's very exciting..though i have to admit that i like the city better than the country...what have you been up to? anything new?

    Hope that helps!
    The letter had no periods or anything and I was so tempted to add them myself!
    But alas, I tried to translate it as was written.

  3. #3
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    That helps tremendously. I am trying to learn spanish so that I can more easily communicate with her. She knows more english than I know spanish. Any tips on things I can do in my learning process to recognize the parts of speech and how they are used and translate?
    Thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by merchantweb
    That helps tremendously. I am trying to learn spanish so that I can more easily communicate with her. She knows more english than I know spanish. Any tips on things I can do in my learning process to recognize the parts of speech and how they are used and translate?
    Thank you so much!
    This is always easier said than done.
    You have to practice, practice, practice.
    Find yourself a practice buddy.
    Watch spanish tv shows.
    Listen to the spanish radio stations.
    Maybe someone else here can give you more tips.

    This is the way I learned sign language, by involving myself with the deaf community. By always finding someone willing to sign with me and have the patience to correct me when I signed something wrong, etc.

    Good luck!

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