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Thread: Few test q's...

  1. #1
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    Default Few test q's...

    K, could you guys check and make sure my answers are ok for the test tomorrow? I'd appreciate it...

    El ciclismo-Bicycling
    To skate-Patinar
    Hacer planes para-To make plans for
    Swimming-Natacion with an accent over the i
    Entrenar-To practice

    All in imperfect tense
    I was speaking-Yo hablaba
    We were dying-Moriamos-Accent on i
    You were living-Vivias-Accent on i
    They were skating(female)-Ellas patinaban
    He was practicing-Entrenaba

    Translate each sentence
    Sin duda.-Without a doubt.
    Tu leiste mientras Ricky Martin escribia la carta.-You read while Ricky Martin was writing the letter.
    Un muchacha mataba personas simpaticas.-A girl was killing nice people.
    Si, el venia al restaurante con nosotros.-Yes, he is coming to the restaurant with us.
    Tu sabias que yo hable a Jennifer Lopez.-You were knowing I spoke to Jennifer Lopez.

    Translate to English-Tu leiste mientras RIcky Martin escribia la carta a Jennifer Lopez y su perro chuleta.
    You read while Ricky Martin writes the letter for Jennifer Lopez and her dog pork dog.

    Translate to Spanish-They went to the movie where a lady was killing nice people with a lamp.
    Fueron al cine donde a senora mataba simpaticas personas con una lampara. Accent on first a in simpatica and lampara and a tilde over n in senora.

  2. #2
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    Swimming-Natacion with an accent over the

    I think of entrenar as to train or to train somebody. I guess that's the same as practicing.

    Translate to English-Tu leiste mientras RIcky Martin escribia la carta a Jennifer Lopez y su perro chuleta.
    Are you missing a comma here?
    You read while Ricky Martin was writing the letter to Jennifer Lopez and her dog,

    You certainly have an imaginative teacher. I never took Spanish, but I hated German. I wish you luck.
    Last edited by gernt; 08-07-2008 at 09:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korben
    He was practicing-Entrenaba/practicaba

    Si, el venia al restaurante con nosotros.-Yes, he used to come to the restaurant with us.
    Tu sabias que yo hable a Jennifer Lopez.-You knew I spoke to Jennifer Lopez.
    Posibly chuleta here is a name.

    blue: suggestions

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