and que bueno that que no paso nada.. me sentiria ofendida si paso algo y no me dijiste... iba a quedar yo tipo... well you know... say the least... anyways... (tengo que introduce myself now? . . . de enserio te pregunto... do i?)
vas a hacer 15 en 4 horas!!!yay!!! (y yo sigo con mis miserables 14... life is SO unfair... pero tq de todas formas bjs)
i need help having this translated... it was wirtten to my step-sister by a good friend of hers (they speak spanish... i dont) and she is in the hospital right now caz she broke her leg and asked me if i cud get the message for her and i wanna translate it sorta to do something nice? idk just a surprise, if u cud help thatd be wonderful.