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Thread: Memorial

  1. #1
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Default Memorial


    Memorial: papel o escrito en que se pide una merced o gracia, alegando los méritos o motivos en que se funda la solicitud.

    Would you translate memorial as petition?Thank you

  2. #2
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    Not me. I did look it up in the dictionary, and that meaning is in there both in English and Spanish. I never knew it before. Always, to me, a memorial in English is an object or donation of money given in memory of a (usually deceased) person, or a building or monument constructed in memory of a person or event, and in Spanish a bulletin or memo pad.

    But tell me, where did you get that definition? In a certain context, I guess it could be translated that way. Not that I would have understood it. Had I seen memorial in the Spanish and petition in the English, I would have been confused.
    Last edited by gernt; 08-27-2008 at 10:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Gernt, I found the definition in DRAE Edición electrónica V21.1.0.
    You can also find it here: http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltCons...&LEMA=Memorial
    Last edited by Kane; 08-27-2008 at 11:02 AM.

  4. #4
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    It's exactly like that in the English dictionary. But it's news to me. Both in Spanish and English. Pero en inglés, dice es un escrito a un soberano. Me hace creer es un sentido viejo.
    Last edited by gernt; 08-27-2008 at 11:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Thank you for your help gernt.
    Can you tell me which English dictionary you are using?
    I found it in the
    Webster's Online Dictionary
    Last edited by Kane; 08-27-2008 at 12:28 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by Kane

    Memorial: papel o escrito en que se pide una merced o gracia, alegando los méritos o motivos en que se funda la solicitud.

    Would you translate memorial as petition?Thank you
    Si lo que buscás es el término legal, lo que aparece en el Spanish Law Dictionary (Peter Collin Publishing):

    (español) memorial = written statement (such as a proposal or a petition); memorial de agravios = list of grievances

    o en el Diccionario Bilingüe de Terminología Jurídica de Bossini/Gleeson

    (español-inglés) memorial = Petition; brief; record, bulletin

    Pero creo que en Argentina no utilizamos la expresión memorial de demanda por ejemplo; sí la de escrito de demanda, aunque para presentarla ante un juzgado, la demanda tendrá el título "Inicia demanda" (utilizando el verbo en lugar de un sustantivo)

    Podrías darnos un poco de contexto?

    Hope it helps!

  7. #7
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Mem286, gracias por la información. En cuanto a contexto, una persona está transmitiendo un “memorial” a su superior en el cual constan las reclamaciones de un empleado.

  8. #8
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    De acuerdo al American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:

    (mN-morùK-Nl, -morù-) n. Abbr. mem. 1. Something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or an event. 2. A written statement of facts or a petition presented to a legislative body or an executive. adj. 1. Serving as a remembrance of a person or an event; commemorative. 2. Of, relating to, or being in memory. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin memori7le, from neuter of Latin memori7lis, belonging to memory, from memoria, memory. See MEMORY.] —memoùrially adv.

    (pN-tVshùNn) n. 1. A solemn supplication or request to a superior authority; an entreaty. 2. A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority. 3. Law. a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal. b. The judicial action asked for in any such request. 4. Something requested or entreated.

    v. petitioned, petitioning, petitions. — v. tr. 1. To address a petition to. 2. To ask for by petition; request formally. v. intr. To make a request, especially formally: petitioned for retrial. [Middle English peticion, from Old French petition, from Latin petXtio, petXtion-, from petXtus, past participle of petere, to request. See pet- in Appendix.] —petiùtionarÙy (pN-tVshùN-nHrÙK) adj. —petiùtioner n.

    Daría la sensación de que cualquiera de los dos podría ir en ese caso, pero esperá otra opinión, especialmente la de un "native speaker", que te sabrá decir cuál es el término que se usa en ese caso.

    Hope it helps!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    De acuerdo al American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:


    (mN-morùK-Nl, -morù-) n. Abbr. mem. 1. Something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or an event. 2. A written statement of facts or a petition presented to a legislative body or an executive. adj. 1. Serving as a remembrance of a person or an event; commemorative. 2. Of, relating to, or being in memory. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin memori7le, from neuter of Latin memori7lis, belonging to memory, from memoria, memory. See MEMORY.] —memoùrially adv.


    (pN-tVshùNn) n. 1. A solemn supplication or request to a superior authority; an entreaty. 2. A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority. 3. Law. a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal. b. The judicial action asked for in any such request. 4. Something requested or entreated.

    v. petitioned, petitioning, petitions. — v. tr. 1. To address a petition to. 2. To ask for by petition; request formally. v. intr. To make a request, especially formally: petitioned for retrial. [Middle English peticion, from Old French petition, from Latin petXtio, petXtion-, from petXtus, past participle of petere, to request. See pet- in Appendix.] —petiùtionarÙy (pN-tVshùN-nHrÙK) adj. —petiùtioner n.

    Daría la sensación de que cualquiera de los dos podría ir en ese caso, pero esperá otra opinión, especialmente la de un "native speaker", que te sabrá decir cuál es el término que se usa en ese caso.

    Hope it helps!

    Mem286, gracias por la información. En cuanto a contexto, una persona está transmitiendo un “memorial” a su superior en el cual constan las reclamaciones de un empleado.

    I believe that from the options presented here petition is the better word in this context; however, I also would consider using "grievance" which is more commonly used in employer/employee relations concerning complaints filed by employees.

    Last edited by vicente; 08-28-2008 at 01:16 AM.

  10. #10
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memorial

    Thank you all for your help

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