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Thread: Jirón

  1. #1
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Question Jirón

    Hi there! I am translating a form from Spanish into English. Although the translation as a whole could be classified as a mix of the legal and medicine fields, there is a section where different forms of ways are stated. I think these are general terms. Here they are: AVENIDA/CALLE/JIRÓN. Of course, I have no difficulties with the first two terms. However, this is the first time I come across "jirón".

    I have found this at the DRAE: Perú. Vía urbana compuesta de varias calles o tramos entre esquinas. But I haven't been to Peru and I cannot imagine the structure, nor find an equivalent in English.

    Also, see this discussion: http://esl.****.com/kudoz/spanish_to...491344-jr.html.

    However, as I have found two terms in English for "avenida" and "calle", I would like to find another term in English for "jirón".

    Perhaps, someone from Peru...

    Thanks in advance!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe
    Hi there! I am translating a form from Spanish into English. Although the translation as a whole could be classified as a mix of the legal and medicine fields, there is a section where different forms of ways are stated. I think these are general terms. Here they are: AVENIDA/CALLE/JIRÓN. Of course, I have no difficulties with the first two terms. However, this is the first time I come across "jirón".

    I have found this at the DRAE: Perú. Vía urbana compuesta de varias calles o tramos entre esquinas. But I haven't been to Peru and I cannot imagine the structure, nor find an equivalent in English.

    Also, see this discussion: http://esl.****.com/kudoz/spanish_to...491344-jr.html.

    However, as I have found two terms in English for "avenida" and "calle", I would like to find another term in English for "jirón".

    Perhaps, someone from Peru...

    Thanks in advance!!!
    En el Perú un jirón es un corredor peatonal o vehicular, generalmente estrecho. Es una calle pequeña con un claro comiemzo y fin. Un jirón puede tener 3 ó 4 cuadras por lo general. Se puede decir que un jirón es una calle pequeña de pocas cuadras.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by ElVizconde
    En el Perú un jirón es un corredor peatonal o vehicular, generalmente estrecho. Es una calle pequeña con un claro comiemzo y fin. Un jirón puede tener 3 ó 4 cuadras por lo general. Se puede decir que un jirón es una calle pequeña de pocas cuadras.
    Aquí puedes encontrar unas fotos del jirón más conocido de Lima http://www.perutoptours.com/index14lijrunion.html

  4. #4
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by ElVizconde
    Aquí puedes encontrar unas fotos del jirón más conocido de Lima http://www.perutoptours.com/index14lijrunion.html
    ¡Genial, Vizconde! Muchas gracias por tu contribución. Creo que, entonces, puede asemejarse a una calle peatonal, como la calle Florida en Argentina: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_mcJnT-f5y4Q/RN...Q/IMG_1332.JPG

    Había pensado en "alley", pero luego de tu aclaración, es una opción que no se adecua para nada.

    I have found this definition for "strip": An area, as along a busy street or highway, that is lined with a great number and variety of commercial establishments.

    Do you think this would be an equivalent?

    Veo que en el Jirón de la Unión también habría negocios y es peatonal...

    Any ideas or suggestions?

  5. #5
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe
    I have found this definition for "strip": An area, as along a busy street or highway, that is lined with a great number and variety of commercial establishments.

    Do you think this would be an equivalent?

    Veo que en el Jirón de la Unión también habría negocios y es peatonal...

    Any ideas or suggestions?
    Hola Guada! "strip" me recuerda a Las Vegas, y no se parece a las imágenes del Jirón de la Unión, parece más bien una "pedestrian area"

    El Wordreference lo da como Avenue o street en Perú. http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/t...p?spen=jir%F3n

    I'll keep searching!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Pedestrian street. This photo looks much like the Peruvian jirón


    This was the caption under the photo:

    "As this was a holiday weekend, the pedestrian street in Arhus was bustling with shoppers on Saturday afternoon."

    "Århus features a wealth of fascinating quarters to explore, each with their own distinctive appeal and specialities. A trip down ”Strøget”, the pedestrian street, is a shopper’s paradise. With its range of around 100 shops, you are bound to find what you are looking for. The pedestrian street gives onto Store Torv, a beautifully situated square with a splendid Cathedral."
    Last edited by vicente; 09-07-2008 at 01:02 AM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Jirón

    How about "promenade"? It should work for "peatonal".

  8. #8
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe
    ¡Genial, Vizconde! Muchas gracias por tu contribución. Creo que, entonces, puede asemejarse a una calle peatonal, como la calle Florida en Argentina: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_mcJnT-f5y4Q/RN...Q/IMG_1332.JPG

    Había pensado en "alley", pero luego de tu aclaración, es una opción que no se adecua para nada.

    I have found this definition for "strip": An area, as along a busy street or highway, that is lined with a great number and variety of commercial establishments.

    Do you think this would be an equivalent?

    Veo que en el Jirón de la Unión también habría negocios y es peatonal...

    Any ideas or suggestions?
    El Jirón de la Unión fue hasta hace unos años vehicular. No creo que el término jirón esté relacionado con una vía peatonal. La antigua Lima Cuadrada (zona colonial) está llena de jirones, que son calles estrechas y tal como lo mencionas, existen negocios; sin embargo no están excentas de viviendas. La Lima moderna no tiene jirones, es un término que viene de la colonia. Un jirón es un "pasaje". Un jirón es otro nombre para "calle".

    Otro jirón vehicular http://www.perutoptours.com/index14lijrlampa.html
    Last edited by ElVizconde; 09-08-2008 at 01:49 AM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Jirón

    From the descriptions given it appears some possible English equivalents to jirón may be: lane, alley or alleyway, and path a these refer to small travelways that may be for vehicular or foot traffic.

    "El verdadero objectivo de la vida no es el destino final, si no disfrutar el camino."

  10. #10
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirón

    Quote Originally Posted by El Detective
    From the descriptions given it appears some possible English equivalents to jirón may be: lane, alley or alleyway, and path a these refer to small travelways that may be for vehicular or foot traffic.

    A jirón is not an alley, it is a street.

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