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Thread: Please translate to English?

  1. #1
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    Default Please translate to English?

    Hi there,

    I need the following translated from Spanish to English, any help would be really appreciated!

    "estuve apunto de creerte con el pedo de que eras hombre cambiado..... Despues me acorde por que te deciasmos el patranhas/esnei. Un pajarito me dijo que habias estado de guevon y aparte de pura parranda. Que tiene de malo ? L... Read Moreo malo es hechar mentiras pinche esnei... hahaha.
    sale ahi tamos hablando. suerte"


  2. #2
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    Quote Originally Posted by australiana123
    Hi there,

    I need the following translated from Spanish to English, any help would be really appreciated!

    "estuve apunto de creerte con el pedo de que eras hombre cambiado..... Despues me acorde por que te deciasmos el patranhas/esnei. Un pajarito me dijo que habias estado de guevon y aparte de pura parranda. Que tiene de malo ? L... Read Moreo malo es hechar mentiras pinche esnei... hahaha.
    sale ahi tamos hablando. suerte"

    "I almost fell for the changed man story....then i remembered why we called you patranhas/esnei. A little bird told me you've been veggin' out/lazy/not doing anything and on top of that partying all the time. What wrong with that (you ask)? L.....Read Moreo what is wrong is telling lies f@#$% esnei....hahaha....anyways, talk to you later. Good luck"

    The highlighted words are words that I dont know. Sorry.
    Hope the translation helps!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    Thank you so much for your help Dragona!

    Its the slang that I have trouble with, this helps with my spanish heaps!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    Hi Australiana!
    Good to know I was abke to help!
    I had some Aussie friends when I lived in UK!.
    Love you folks!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    "Patranhas" quiere decir "pendejo", ¿no?. (Y tiene que ser portuguesa originalmente). Pero tenemos que aprender que quiere decir "esnei". Palabras verdes son importantes también. Supongo es mexicana por el uso de pinche.
    Last edited by gernt; 09-16-2008 at 11:31 AM.

  6. #6
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    I guess patranhas is for patrañas...fables, invented stories...
    esnei may be a name...
    he was called patrañas esnei...
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    Quote Originally Posted by australiana123
    "estuve apunto de creerte con el pedo de que eras hombre cambiado..... "

    As I was drunk/pissed (slang pedo) I almost thought you were a changed man!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    As I was drunk/pissed (slang pedo) I almost thought you were a changed man!
    Hola Exx,
    Esta ves si tengo que decir que en C.A. la palabra pedo es usado de muchas formas. Tengo mucho conocidos de C.A. y usan esa palabra, todo el tiempo. Y todo depende de la conversacion.
    Por ejemplo,
    "Que pedo men?" quiere decir "what's up?"
    "No men, tremendo pedo!" quiere decir "nah man, big trouble".
    "Me puse bien pedo anoche" quiere decir "I got piss *a#$* drunk last night"
    Or as the previous example "casi te creo el pedo ese......" que quiere decire "I almost believed that crap that...."
    Ahhhh, isn't spanish lovely!
    So many translation for one single word! hahaha!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Please translate to English?

    (I am a native Spanish speaker and a poor English speaker.)

    My *humble* opinion:
    Please provide "Country-of-Origin" for the phrase.
    Chile? Peru? etc...
    Consider Spanish varies from country to country.

    I agree with "Dragona"; "pedo" here sounds more as a slang for "lies", like "bullshit", "crap", etc.

    It is interesting the use of "CON el pedo". Definitely, it is something very "local".

    The sentence does not make feel that the speaker was drunk and that was the reason he/she was more gullible.

    Please review a few sentences before this one (more context), might that help proving the speaker was drunk?

    Another interpretation, given the use of "CON el pedo":
    For an Argentinian (not the same Spanish as in Spain, sorry...)

    "Pedo" could mean here that the speaker has the wrong impression/image about something. "Pedo" means "Borrachera", and for extension, refers to a distorted idea, a false assertion, a fantasy.

    The speaker is carried by a false belief, but not because she/he is really drunk.

    Now if the phrase was:
    "Con el pedo, estuve a punto de creerte ..."
    I would agree with Exxcentrica (La Guapa).

    Word order matters. This would sound to me as: "with my drunkeness, i was ..."

    Anyway, I do not think this is Argentinian Spanish, so ... let's be careful.

    Agree that patranias o patranhas means lies, enforcing thus the earlier.

    The listener is a known liar, and had created a "smoke screen" that he was a "new man" (smoke screen <==> pedo. ok? )

    Hope this helps.

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