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Thread: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

  1. #1
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    Default Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos


    I'm currently making my way through a 'Get Fuzzy' comic book to try and brush up my skills, and I've run across a couple of words and phrases that have stumped me. Since the context is somewhat visually based, I'll try to give a description of what is happening in order to put things in perspective:

    1. Translation of Chungas? In one panel, a character named 'Bucky' is comparing his owner 'Rob' to a doll of Harry Potter. Bucky says, "Pelo revuelto, jersey a rayas, gafas, chungas... eres tu, Rob!" I believe that this means, "revolting hair, striped jersey, Glasses, chungas.... it is you, Rob! What does Chungas mean? Jeans?

    2. Translation of Remolonear? This one seems a little more nuanced. I'll give more background in order to establish context. Satchel (the dog) has just had a conference made up of dogs from all over the world. After the conference finished, Satchel is talking it over with his owner, Rob. Additionally, Satched refers to Bucky, the cat.

    Rob: No acabaste de contarme qué tal salió lo de la conferencia canina.

    Satchel: Bah, Bien. Creo. No llegamos a ponernos de acuerdo en nada hasta que apareció Bucky.

    Rob: Uh Oh

    Satchel: No, no. no pasa nada. Para cuando votamos sí a perseguirle, ya se había largado.

    Rob: o sea que ¿no lograsteis nada? felicidades. Suena como una conferencia de verdad.

    Satchel: El Mastín suizo remoloneó un poco, pero al final acabó per abstenerse.

    It's the last line that has me confused. I think this is how the above translates:

    Rob: Hey, you didn't finish telling me about how the canine conference went?

    Satchel: Bah, good, I believe. We didn't arrive at an agreement about anything until Bucky appeared.

    Rob: Uh-oh

    Satchel: No, no. Nothing happened. By the time we had voted 'yes' to chase him, we had already adjourned.

    Rob: You didn't complete anything? Congratulations. It sounds like a real conference.

    Satchel: The swiss Mastiff shirked (?) a little, but at the end, he ended up abstaining.

    So, what does remoloneo mean in this context?

    Thanks in advance for taking a look!
    Last edited by wterrill; 10-11-2008 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

    remolonear: 2. To be idle, to refuse stirring, from sloth and indolence.

    chungo/chunga...in Spain: not good,

    1. horrible, nasty (informal) (persona); lousy (cosa)
    • la cosa está chunga -> it's a real *****

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

    I can't help, although I did do my trick of typing the words in Google Images (an awful lot of the pictures were Frank Zappa).

    I like to check out the comics, too. I go to http://www.gocomics.com/ and look at Baldo in English and Spanish. I also like Condorito, but it has no English translation, so I have to take questions to my teacher. That works out well because Condorito is easy, but Baldo has a lot of slang.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the definitions. I had looked them up earlier but after your reply, I realized that I was putting a comma between gafas and chungas, and therefore interpreting 'chungas' as a noun instead of an adjective. oops. (No wonder I was so confused!) So the translation is actually, 'lousy glasses'

    However, the second one stil doesn't makes sense to me because of the word 'pero.' Adding 'but' to that sentence doesn't make sense in English. (but may in spanish, I'm just not sure of the significance) So, please, help me navigate what I'm seeing. I believe that you are indicating that remolonear in this case indicates laziness, so this:

    Satchel: El Mastín suizo remoloneó un poco, pero al final acabó por abstenerse.

    should be translated as

    Satchel: The swiss Mastiff was a little lazy, but at the end, he ended up abstaining.

    It's that 'but' that throws me off. Since it follows that he abstained because he was lazy, I would expect 'and' not 'but.' So, I would expect it to read:

    "The swiss Mastiff was a little lazy and in the end he ended up abstaining. "
    El Mastín suizoremoloneó un poco, y al final acabó por abstenerse.

    I'm sure I'm missing something completely obvious, but could you shed some light on what I'm seeing?


    P.S. Gernt, thanks for the link. My favorite comics to read in spanish are Calvin and Hobbes and Get Fuzzy. C&H is pretty easy, but Get Fuzzy seems to be my version of 'Baldo'... the slang knocks me down every time! (and, alas, I have no teacher to ask!)

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

    I often don't understand Get Fuzzy in English.

    My teacher is a professional translator. (It's not really a class, we just chat about an hour a week). She's Peruvian, but she works with a Cuban and a Mexican to field a lot of calls from all over the world. Her mother is from Barcelona and was a Spanish teacher in Peru. You'd think she'd know everything. Still, it is very normal for me to bring a comic strip with something that stumps her.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

    I love Get Fuzzy...and I really don't like many comic strips. I read this and wondered if it's possible to simply find the corresponding strip in English and answer your questions that way...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Get fuzzy - translations from los dibujos

    I don't know about Get Fuzzy, but often, the Spanish and English versions of Baldo are different in meaning. An awful lot of jokes can't be translated at all. But when they are very different, I'm alerted that there is something I really need to understand like a recent joke in Selecciones: ¿Sabes qué es un pañuelo? - No, pero me suena...

    Aprendí dos sentidos más para sonarse y no voy a olvidarlos.
    Last edited by gernt; 10-15-2008 at 11:34 AM.

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