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Thread: Are there any ways to know about the jobs in Texas?

  1. #1
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    Default Are there any ways to know about the jobs in Texas?

    I want to know about the jobs that are available in Texas, as very soon I am planning to shift to Texas. What I am looking for are any proper channels or a source to help me know about the job scenario there. I have seen some sites that offer good information out there but if you people can get me some more to look out, it would be great help.
    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Are there any ways to know about the jobs in Texas?

    Yes, it is not that easy to search for a job in a particular region. One of my friends has also been in a similar situation while looking for a job in Texas. He was referred to an online source for Texas Jobs which really helped him a lot in getting a job at Texas. But, it is not also hard to find a good job once you have the right sources to get them.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Are there any ways to know about the jobs in Texas?

    Hi Howard..I'm guessing I might be a little late, but just in case...
    I know monstertrak.com and careerbuilder.com are good options nationwide in US for job searching. Also, I lived in Florida when I lived in the US, but my last job there I found through craigslist.org.

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