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Thread: La poesía del siglo XIV

  1. #1
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    Default La poesía del siglo XIV

    Yo tenía que traducir este poema para que la pudiera usar en una papel sobre la história del Jerusalén. Yo sé que no es tan bueno poner cosas largas en el fórum pero ya he traducido la majoría y quiero saber si hay alguno que me puede ayundar con las palabras antiguas que no sé bien. Sigue la poema con las estrofas que traducé. y sí está demasiado larga, yo la puedo poner de nuevo en partes. ¡Gracias! - Cory

    1 A los que adoran en la vera cruz,
    salud e graçia de la vera luz,
    que enbío syn arte
    el maestre d'acre
    a Iherusalem.

    To those that truly worship the cross
    Greetings and grace from the true light,
    that sent without adornments
    the master of Acre
    to Jerusalem

    2 Bien querría más convusco plannir,
    llorar noches e días, gemir e non dormir,
    que contarvos prosas
    de nueuas llorosas
    de Iherusalem.

    ...(Yo no entiendo a este estrofa)
    to cry nights and days, to groan and not sleep
    that relate to you prose
    of sad news
    of Jerusalem

    3 Creo que pecado me sería callar;
    lloros e sospiros non me dan vagar
    de escreuir el planto
    en el Conçilio Santo
    de Iherusalem.

    I believe that sin would fall upon me;
    Mourns and sighs do not ... (???)
    of writing the planto (que quiere decir 'planto'?)
    in the Sacred Council
    of Jerusalem

    4 De Iherusalem vos querría contar,
    del Sepulcro Santo que es allende el mar:
    moros lo çercaron
    e lo derribaron,
    a Iherusalem.

    Of jerusalem you wished to be told
    of the Holy Sepulcher that is beyond the sea:
    Moors encircled it
    and demolished it
    Oh Jerusalem

    5 Estos moros perros a la casa santa
    siete años e medio la tienen çercada;
    non dubdan morir
    por la conquerir
    a Iherusalem.

    Those Moorish dogs to the holy house
    seven and a half years they had it encircled
    they do not hesitate to die
    in order to conquer
    Oh Jerusalem

    6 Fazen ayuntamiento los de Babilonia
    con los africanos para los de Etiopia,
    para los [...]
    Tártaros e miros
    Por Iherusalem.

    They formed a pact, those from Babylon
    with the African for those of Ethiopia
    for those [...]
    Tatars and Moors
    For Jerusalem

    7 Grandes afincanças ponen con sus lanças
    por yr a christianos commo a perdonanças.
    Llena por ençima
    vençe morería
    en Iherusalem.

    Great (???) put on their lances
    in order to go against the Christians as a (???)
    full to overflowing
    Moorish Victory
    in Jerusalem

    8 Haunque los christianos non pueden sufrir,
    han pocas viandas e mucho ferir.
    non les viene acorro
    del su Consistorio
    en Iherusalem.

    Even though the Christians cannot suffer
    there is little meat and much (cold???)
    relief does not come to them
    from its Court
    in Jerusalem,

    9 Ia todos acuerdan con el Patriarcha:
    Para el Padre Santo escriuen vnu carta
    con letras de sangre,
    que mueren de fanbre
    en Iherusalem

    And everyone aggrees with the patriarch:
    For the Holy Father writes a letter
    with letters of blood
    that die of (hunger???)
    in Jerusalem

    10 Raros muy amargos moros quantos son
    tiénenlo çerrado al altar de Syón.
    Non dubdan morir
    por la conquerir
    a Iherusalem.

    Very bitter Moor rarities (no entiendo bien...) how many there are
    they have the alter of Zion encircled
    They do not fear death
    in order to conquer
    Oh Jerusalem

    11 Léese la carta en el conçilio santo:
    papa e cardenales fazían grand llanto,
    ronpen sus vestidos,
    dan grandes gemidos
    por Iherusalem.

    The letter is read in a holy council
    Pope and Cardinals greatly wept
    tearing their clothes
    Giving great groans
    for Jerusalem

    12 Mandan dar pregones por la christiandad,
    alçan sus pendones, llaman Trinidad.
    "¡Valed, los christianos,
    a vuestros hermanos
    en Iherusalem!"

    They command to issue petitions for Christendom
    Raising their banners, Calling The Trinity.
    "Take courage(???), The Christians,
    to your brethren
    in Jerusalem!"

    13 Non les da buen viaje la sagrada mar:
    los vientos an contrarios, non les dexa andar.
    Quando enstán en calma
    esflaquéçeles el alma,
    en Iherusalem.

    The Sacred sea does not provide a good voyage
    the winds go contrary, not allowing them to proceed.
    When they are calm
    weakening the soul
    in Jerusalem

    14 Ora es venida, por nuestros pecados,
    de tan negro día moros esforçados.
    Llena por encima
    vençe morería
    en Iherusalem.

    The Hour has come, for our sins
    of so dark a day exerted Moors (este línea no entiendo)
    filled to overflowing
    Moorish victory
    in Jerusalem

    15 Pocos son christianos, menos que ovejas.
    Muchos son los moros, más que las estrellas.
    Non dubdan morir
    por la conquerir
    a Iherusalem.

    Few are the Christians, less than sheep.
    Many are the Moors, more than the stars
    they do not hesitate to die
    in order to conquer
    Oh Jerusalem

    16 ¡Quánta grand batalla fuera en aquel día!
    Con los caualleros es la clerezía,
    por tomar pasíon
    por la defensión
    de Iherusalem.

    What a great battle took place that day!
    with the Knights is the (clarity???)
    to take the passion
    for the defense
    of Jerusalem

    17 Reuenden christianos muy bien la su sangre:
    por muerte de vno cient moros van delante.
    de todo por ençima
    vençe morería
    en Iherusalem.

    Christian (resell???) well their blood:
    for the death of one, a hundred Moors go before.
    Even so
    Moorish victory
    in Jerusalem

    18 Sacerdotes e frayres en cadenas presos;
    tienen a los abades en cepos de maderos.
    Afán e amargura
    hanlo por folgura
    en Iherusalem.

    Priests and fryers in prison chains;
    they have the Abbots in wooden cages.
    toil and bitterness
    they have for (radiance???)
    in Jerusalem

    19 Bienen las donzellas que eran delicadas
    en cadenas presas e muy atormentadas.
    Afán e quebrantado,
    fazían grande llanto
    en Iherusalem.

    The damsels come that were delicate
    in prison chains and tormented
    (toiling???) and broken,
    they weeped greatly
    in Jerusalem

    20 Veen los christianos a sus fijos asar,
    veen a sus mugeres biuas destetar;
    vanse por los caminos [sic]
    cortos pies e manos
    en Iherusalem.

    They see the Christians as their ...(roast, meat???)
    they see their lively women abominations
    They go, themselves, by the paths
    cutting off feet and hands
    in Jerusalem.

    21 De las vestimentas fazían cubiertas;
    del Sepulcro Santo fazían establo;
    de las cruzes santas
    fazían estacas
    en Iherusalem.

    Of the dressings they made rugs;
    of the Holy Sepulcher they made a stable;
    of they holy crosses
    they made hitching posts
    in Jerusalem.

    22 Quien este canto non quiere o´yr [oír]
    non tiene mientes de a Dios seruir
    nin poner vn canto
    en el Conçilio sonto
    en Iherusalem.

    Whomever does not wish to hear this song
    It has no lies, by God's service
    even to put to song
    in the holy council
    in Jerusalem

  2. #2
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    Default Re: La poesía del siglo XIV

    “If you are not the solution, you are a part of the problem”. And I’m not the solution, being neither particularly gifted when it comes to Spanish, nor much of one for study. This text can be found online at http://digital.csic.es/bitstream/102...jud%C3%ADa.pdf near the bottom.

    I sure don’t know, but isn’t pannir pañir, and convusco just contigo? So the first line of stanza 2 might be something like “I wouldst wail with thee”. I found pañir defined as wail in my Velazquez. Wikipedia says nn became ñ. It makes kind of a neat puzzle for someone who can pick at things molecule by molecule.

    Bless you. The world needs scholars. I'm just not one.
    Last edited by gernt; 11-19-2008 at 10:50 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: La poesía del siglo XIV

    That is great!

    Thank you

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