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Thread: Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

    no te preocupes yo se que al igual que yo tienes mucho trabajo y a veces no tienes tiempo para escribir pero me pongo muy triste cuando vengo al correo y tengo cartas tuyas yo se que hablamos por telefono todas las semanas pero cuando te extraño que es todos los dias me pongo a leer tus cartas y todo cambia para mi.


    Do not worry. I know that like me you have a lot of work and sometimes you have no time to write, but I become very sad when I come to the mail and have your letters. I know that we speak by phone every week, but when I miss you that it is every day, I start to read your letters and everything changes for me.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by A577689
    no te preocupes yo se que al igual que yo tienes mucho trabajo y a veces no tienes tiempo para escribir pero me pongo muy triste cuando vengo al correo y tengo cartas tuyas yo se que hablamos por telefono todas las semanas pero cuando te extraño que es todos los dias me pongo a leer tus cartas y todo cambia para mi.


    Do not worry. I know that like me you have a lot of work and sometimes you have no time to write, but I become very sad when I come to the mail and have your letters. I know that we speak by phone every week, but when I miss you that it is every day, I start to read your letters and everything changes for me.
    Not too bad. Only changes I would make, instead of saying "come to the mail" you could say "get the mail" or "go to the post office." And rather then say, "I miss you, that is everyday" it would sound better to write "which is everyday'.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

    Thanks again Ecuanime ... much appreciated

  4. #4
    Registered User Arielus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

    Howdy. Something drew my attention here and I may be wrong, but just in case, here goes. Shouldn't it read "no" right before "tengo cartas tuyas"?

    Check it out:

    no te preocupes yo se que al igual que yo tienes mucho trabajo y a veces no tienes tiempo para escribir pero me pongo muy triste cuando vengo al correo y no tengo cartas tuyas yo se que hablamos por telefono todas las semanas pero cuando te extraño que es todos los dias me pongo a leer tus cartas y todo cambia para mi.

    I'm not a native of English, but see if there's anything worth including in my attempt below. You might also want to apply contractions and adding/erasing any optional "that" depending upon the level of formality involved:

    Do not worry. I know that, like me, you have a lot of work and sometimes you do not have time to write, but it saddens me a great deal to go to the post office and get (no) letters from you. I know that we chat/speak/talk on the phone every week, but when(ever) I miss you, which is every day, I start reading your letters and everything changes for me.



  5. #5
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    Default Re: Is this the correct translation ... thanks?

    You right Arielus ... it should read 'no tengo' as I beleive the person that sent it to me omitted that ... adding the 'no' make more sense.


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