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Thread: Can you please correct this spanish for USA

  1. #1
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    Default Can you please correct this spanish for USA

    I translated this using the Alta Vista Translation tool, but I know it makes many errors. The English text from which I translated is at the bottom of the post.Can you please correct the spanish, in a way it is understood in the US (Not Spain)

    Visite por favor nuestro almacén para las mejores peras de la calidad: Tenemos peras de bartlett, peras de Anjou, peras de Bosc, apenas para darle una idea. Almacenamos solamente las mejores peras de la calidad. Cada pera es mano escogida por nuestro personal excepcional cuando es apenas madura. Cada pera se examina y tiene que pasar hacia fuera control de calidad terminante. Desechamos cualquier pera a menos que sea la mejor calidad o cuando es demasiado maduro. Almacenamos una acción enorme de peras, de diversas variedades, de diversos colores, de tamaños, de formas y de gustos, así que usted puede encontrar el que se adapta a su gusto y necesidad. Incluso entregamos las peras a su hogar o negocio. Lo que puede ser su necesidad, de su propio uso personal, sus necesidades alimenticias, los regalos personales, regalos de la promoción del negocio, si usted necesita algunas peras, las tenemos. Visita venida nuestro almacén, usted estará satisfecho con la calidad excepcional, con la variedad. Todos nuestros precios muy razonablemente se tasan. Si usted es un vendedor, llámenos por favor. Tenemos una cantidad enorme de peras. Incluso nuestras peras desechadas son todavía mejores que ésas usted encuentran en el mercado, y podemos venderlos para un precio descontado.

    This is what I wanted to say:
    Please visit our warehouse for the best Quality pears:

    We have Bartlett pears, Anjou pears, Bosc pears, just to give you an idea.

    We only stock the best quality pears. Each pear is hand picked by our exceptional staff when it is just ripe. Each pear is inspected and has to pass out strict quality control. We discard any pear unless it is the best quality or when it is over-ripe. We store a huge stock of pears, different varieties, different colors, sizes, shapes and tastes, so you can find the one that suits your taste and need. We even deliver the pears to your home or business. Whatever may be your need, for your own personal use, your nutritional needs, personal gifts, business promotion gifts, if you need some pears, we have them. Come visit our warehouse, you will be pleased with the outstanding quality, with the variety. All our prices are very reasonably priced. If you are a a vendor, please call us. We have a huge quantity of pears. Even our discarded pears are still better than those you find in the market, and we can sell them for a discounted price.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can you please correct this spanish for USA

    Pues, es casi perfecto exactamente como escrito con dos errores tipográficos: “out strict quality control” y “you are a a vendor”, pero no es mucho. Los otros cambios son solo para hacerlo leer con un poco mas fluidez en el estilo de los EEUU. Nuestras maestras no les gusta la repetición de palabras cuando es posible evitarla. “Seconds” son productos de un poquito menos calidad. Según las mismas maestras, usamos dos espacios después de un punto o dos puntos.

    Please visit our warehouse for the best quality pears:

    We have Bartlett, Anjou, and Bosc pears, just to give you an idea.

    We only stock the best quality. Each pear is hand picked by our exceptional staff at the perfect stage of ripeness. Each pear is inspected and has to pass our strict quality control. We discard any pear unless it is the best quality. We store a huge stock of pears, different varieties, different colors, sizes, shapes and tastes, so you can find the one that suits your taste and need. We even deliver the pears to your home or business. Whatever may be your need, for your own personal use, your nutritional needs, personal gifts, business promotion gifts, whatever - if you need pears, we have them. Come and visit our warehouse, you will be pleased with the outstanding quality and variety. All our prices are very reasonable. If you are a vendor, please call us. We have a huge quantity of pears. Even our seconds are still better than those you find in the market, and we sell them at a discount.
    Last edited by gernt; 11-29-2008 at 11:19 PM.

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