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Thread: Nicaraguan spanish to English

  1. #1
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    Default Nicaraguan spanish to English

    I have another one to translate.Please someone help me

    buenas tardes como has estado peloncito, bueno me agrado mucho escucharte, mandame una foto tuya pleace, no estes enojada con tu mama vos la conoces, pero es una gran persona, dime como te estas portando, ya sos un niño quietecito, bueno me felicitas al niño cuentame cuantos años cumple, aunque no deben saber que hay una familia por estes mundos aislados, pero vos si, bueno el niño me despido se cuida mucho, te mando un beso y un abrazo grandote como yo, portate bien.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nicaraguan spanish to English

    Gee. First the weasel words. I’m not that good. If it doesn’t look right, I probably didn’t translate it right. Maybe someone else will come along and fix it.

    Good afternoon, how have you been? (peloncito can mean someone with a very full head of hair), I’m very grateful to hear from you – send me a picture of you, please, you wouldn’t be upset with your mama, you know her, but she’s a great person, tell me how you’ve been getting along (behaving), you’re a quiet-turned kid, but it makes me happy for a kid to tell me how old they are, even if no one needs to know there’s a family from this isolated world, but you yes, well, the kid I said goodbye to needs to take good care of himself, I’m sending a kiss and a hug as big as me, take care.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Nicaraguan spanish to English

    okay so I'm sorry if its too late, the person above me did pretty good, but yea...some parts didnt really make sense, so i'll try to clear them up.

    buenas tardes como has estado peloncito, bueno me agrado mucho escucharte, mandame una foto tuya pleace, no estes enojada con tu mama vos la conoces, pero es una gran persona, dime como te estas portando, ya sos un niño quietecito, bueno me felicitas al niño cuentame cuantos años cumple, aunque no deben saber que hay una familia por estes mundos aislados, pero vos si, bueno el niño me despido se cuida mucho, te mando un beso y un abrazo grandote como yo, portate bien.

    good afternoon. how are you (this is the tricky part..it CAN be Full of hair..but i was always raising to think it was baldy), well it pleases me to hear you, send me a photo of yours please, dont be mad at your mom, you know her, but shes a great person, tell me how you're doing, you're already a calm kid, well congradulate the boy for me, tell me how how is he turning? although they shouldnt know that there is a family around these isolated places, but you should, well kid, ill say my goodbyes, take care. i send a kiss and a hug as big as you, take care.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nicaraguan spanish to English

    Here's my take-

    Good afternoon. how've you been?(in this conversation peloncito is a term of endearment), it was so nice to hear you (phone conersation?), send me a picture of you please. Dont be mad at your mom, you know how she is, but shes a great person. Tell me how you're doing, you cansit still now! Please say Happy Birthday to the kid (boy) for me, tell me how is he turning? although they probably don't know that they have family around these isolated places, but they should. He's a good kid. Well,I have to go, take good care of yourself. i send you a kiss and a hug as big as me, and also behave.

    Hope this makes better sense! I have Nicaraguan friends, so I know how they talk and what they mean.
    Hope this Helps!

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