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Thread: esta vs es

  1. #1
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    Default ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Con una larga trayectoria en la actividad industrial manufacturera, Acigol, S.A., es una empresa dinámica, moderna y actual, dedicada a la actividad inmobiliaria comercial a través de la promoción y gerencia de centros comeciales propios y de terceros.

    Mi intento. Necesitaría ayuda de corrección.
    "With a long and broad industrial manufacturing activity, Acigol, S.A. is a dynamic, modern and update enterprise dedicated to the real estate business through the promotion and management of own and third party commercial centers.


  2. #2
    Forum User sweetcamy's Avatar
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Hola. Por lo que veo está bien. Solo le cambiaría el "update" por "updated", ya que en tu oración original estás nombrando solo adjetivos y "update" es verbo y sustantivo, no adjetivo.

    También podrías utilizar, con el mismo significado: up to date, current.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    actividad inmobiliaria comercial >>>commercial real estate business
    (Regular real estate is the transfer of homes. Commercial real estate is very different, involving businesses and commercial properties, malls, etc.)

    through the promotion and management of their own and third party commercial centers.

    Also, to me "moderna y actual" seems redundant. Maybe that's why it's difficult to translate. Innovative is another word that might be good here, meaning not just up to date, but also a leader in new ideas.
    Last edited by mariaklec; 01-06-2009 at 02:05 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!


    Thank you for your help.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Sweetcamy and Mariaklec

    Re 1) Would it be all right if I use "real estate business", rather than 'commercial real estate business', or the appropiate term to use (as Mariaklec suggests) is "commercial real estate business" ???

    2) Sweetcamy: I wish I would have someone like you, Mariaklec, and many others in this forum to help me with the English construction and grammar.

    3) Mariaklec, you are right ... I skipped the word ..of "their" own and....

    4) Mariaklec, you are right: "moderna" y "actual" are redundant. Either one or the other. The word "innovative" will fit perfectly. . I will keep
    this word in mind in future.

    I don't want to be burdensome to both of you with my reply but since I recently joined this forum I need to become familiar with the way I should reply.

    As you have already become aware, English is not my native language, so please correct my English construction/expressions/words as much as it is necessary.

    Thanks and so long by now.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Aw, heck. I can't stay out of this. mariaklec is right. You have to use the word commercial, and moderna y actual is redundant. sweetcamy is right. You can't say update, but current is not always understood because it means so many things.

    With substantial experience in the activity of industrial manufacturing, Acigol, S.A., is a dynamic and modern company, dedicated to commercial real estate through the promotion and management of commercial centers whether owned by Acigol or by third parties.

    Happy Día de los Reyes or Epiphany or Last Day of Christmas - sea lo que sea en su pais.
    Last edited by gernt; 01-06-2009 at 10:47 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Hi Helsinki,
    I'm new to the forum too. I think it's a wonderful idea and it's fun. I look forward to hearing from you.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Many, many thanks for your time and valuable help.

    The second paragraph of the article reads as follows:

    "Actividad esta donde se introdujo con pasos muy firmes y para la cual se diseño e implementó un nuevo estilo de gerenciaque nos distingue dentro de esa actividad y que ha conformado una nueva cultura corporativa para la empresa."

    Help, please! I feel that the above paragraph is too verbose in Spanish so I will try to interpret it as follows:

    "The company entered into the new commercial real estate business with
    a firm (sound?) determination (I don't know how to translate 'con pasos firmes' (with firm steps?)), having designed and implemented a new management style that not only distinguishes itself within this activity but also have created (conformed?) a new corporate culture for the company


  9. #9
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    Default Re: ¡¡Ayuda!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Helsinki
    Many, many thanks for your time and valuable help.

    The second paragraph of the article reads as follows:

    "Actividad esta donde se introdujo con pasos muy firmes y para la cual se diseño e implementó un nuevo estilo de gerenciaque nos distingue dentro de esa actividad y que ha conformado una nueva cultura corporativa para la empresa."

    Help, please! I feel that the above paragraph is too verbose in Spanish so I will try to interpret it as follows:

    "The company entered into the new commercial real estate business with
    a firm (sound?) determination (I don't know how to translate 'con pasos firmes' (with firm steps?)), having designed and implemented a new management style that not only distinguishes itself within this activity but also have created (conformed?) a new corporate culture for the company

    Maybe determination is clear without adding an adjective in front of it. Determination also covers "con pasos firmes,", I think.

    ...but also has created a new corporate culture...(singular subject = management style)

    Consider using this field instead of this activity

    I am not a professional translator, but I think you are right about this being verbose. I think that if you translate too literally you will end up with awkward jargon. But that might just be me---I'm not a fan of corporate jargon. .

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