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Thread: help!!!!

  1. #1
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    Default help!!!!

    hi! I need some help translating the following paragraph:

    Esto solo debería ocurrir cuando visualizan este template con una póliza en captura incompleta, específicamente sin información en la ventana de coberturas que obliga a ingresar en ella cada vez que se realice una recuperación con el fin de recalcular la prima, lo que provoca que no se muestre $ 00.00 en el template, me parece que esto es lo que esta ocurriendo dado lo intermitente del problema, si recuperas la póliza , aceptas la ventana de cobertura y finalizas posteriormente deberías ver el monto. Puedes realizar esta prueba por favor, para saber si efectivamente es un problema que ocurre aún con pólizas completadas satisfactoriamente.

    Here is my try:

    This should happen only when you visualize this template with a policy EN CAPTURA INCOMPLETA. Furthermore, when there’s no information in the cover window and you have to enter every time you do a recovery to recalculate the premium, which leads to showing this 0.00 amount in the template.

    I think that if you recover the policy, accept the window of cover and then close it you will be able to see the proper amount. Could you try to do this to know if it is an issue that happens also with fully completed policies.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: help!!!!

    Here's my try:

    This should only occur when this template with a policy is visualized en captura completa, specifically, without information in the cover window which makes it necessary to enter every time that a recovery is done to recalculate the premium. This leads to a reading of $00.00 in the template.

    It seems to me that this is what is happening, given how intermittent the problem is. If you recover the policy, accept the cover window and finalize retroactively, you should see the amount. Please check this to see if in reality it's a problem that occurs even with policies that have been completed satisfactorily.

    I'm not sure about the parts in bold. It's a little hard to translate without knowing the context, and my knowledge of insurance and computer jargon in Spanish is limited. I'm sure others will chime in, and I look forward to seeing their suggestions.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: help!!!!

    Yeah, well, I don't know this business either. I'm just guessing. My problem is that in insurance, a ventana can be a period for which something is under coverage. But here I think it must mean a screen. The other doesn't make sense.

    This ought to happen only when the template is viewed with an incomplete screen of the policy, specifically without information in the overview window that requires it be entered whenever a recovery is completed with the purpose of recalculating the premium to avoid having $0.00 show in the template.. It seems to me that this is what this happening given the intermittency of the problem, if you reopen the policy, accept the window, and finalize later, you would have to see the amount. If you could please attempt this test, you may discover if indeed it is a problem that happens even with policies that have been satisfactorily completed.
    Last edited by gernt; 01-08-2009 at 11:06 PM.

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