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Hello! I am a complete beginner in translation. I know the following translation is literal, but I really dont know how to translate without sounding literal. The English sounds good to me. Any help , please!
SOURCE TEXT: En el popular videojuego del Tetris la clave está en ir encajando las piezas. De lo contrario, éstas se amontonan y cuando tocan techo se acabó: game over. Este indeseable final es el que ha protagonizado la economía española. Como en una mala partida, los problemas se han ido acumulando: la caída del consumo y la inversión, el frenazo de todos los sectores productivos, unos ingresos menguantes provocados por una menor recaudación fiscal... Finalmente, España ha perdido, en este caso, riqueza.
MY TRANSLATION: The objective of the popular Tetris game is to insert the blocks in their right place if not, they pile over the others and when they touch the ceiling the game is over. This undesirable end is the one that has starred the Spanish economy. Like in a bad game, the problems have been accumulating like the fall of the consumption and the investment, the heavy stop of all the productive sectors, some declining incomes caused by a smaller tax collection... Finally, Spain has lost wealth.