Hi, I am going to the Dominican Republic in June with my church. I was surfing the net looking for Christian resources in Spanish and I found this gospel tract. I have translated most of it from Spanish to English so I can share it with the rest of the mission team, but there are a few phrases that I am not sure about - can someone help?

Here's the tract text and my translation - I have questions about the text in bold. Also, feel free to smooth out any awkward wording.

Thanks for your help!


Antes de Poder Subir

Reconoce que eres picador

Cree lo que dice biblia ... que Jesucristo fue crucificado por tus pecados -
murió, fue sepultado, y resucitó de entre los muertos para salvarte del infierno
y darte la vida eterna

Toma la decición de recibir al señor Jesucristo como tu salvador personal ahora mismo.

Dilo a él in oración: Señor, reconozco que soy pecador y que no merezco estar contigo ... pero ahora quiero cambiar la dirección de mi vida y creer en ti. Te necesito. Creo que moriste en la cruz por mí salvación ... y que resucitaste tal como dice la biblia. En este momento te pido que me perdones y que me salvas. Gracias, Jesús, por su amor y salvación. Amén.

Before Being able to Rise

Recognize that you are sinner

Believes what Bible says... that Jesus was crucified for your sins - he died, he was buried, and he resurrected from among the dead persons to save you from the hell and to give you eternal life

Make the decision to receive the Lord Jesus as your personal savior right now.

??? to him in prayer: Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am sinner and that I do not deserve to be with you ... but now I want to change the direction of my life and to believe in you. I need you. I believe that you died on the cross for my salvation... and that you were resurrected just as the Bible says. At this time I ask you that forgive me and save me. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and salvation. Amen.