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Thread: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

  1. #1
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    Default "nos esta echando encima" -translation


    would you have any suggestions on how "nos esta echando encima" could be translated within the following sentence?

    "Sin embargo en nuestro pais, por diversos motivos, apenas hemos empezado a plantearnos las correspondientes relaciones entre turismo, energia y clima, lo que esta provocando un serio deficit de posicionamiento institucional y empresarial con relacion a tres cuestiones clave: el conocimiento sobre el alcance de la interdependencia entre esas tres variables; las acciones de mitigacion de la emision de gases de efecto invernadero; y los planteamientos de adaptacion al cambio energetico/climatico que se nos esta echando encima."

    I am a bit lost.
    Any suggestions?

    Muchas gracias a todos,


  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    it means that is inevitably happening but there are lots of possibilities for the translation.
    hope it helps!
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Quote Originally Posted by martula

    would you have any suggestions on how "nos esta echando encima" could be translated within the following sentence?

    "Sin embargo en nuestro pais, por diversos motivos, apenas hemos empezado a plantearnos las correspondientes relaciones entre turismo, energia y clima, lo que esta provocando un serio deficit de posicionamiento institucional y empresarial con relacion a tres cuestiones clave: el conocimiento sobre el alcance de la interdependencia entre esas tres variables; las acciones de mitigacion de la emision de gases de efecto invernadero; y los planteamientos de adaptacion al cambio energetico/climatico que se nos esta echando encima."

    I am a bit lost.
    Any suggestions?

    Muchas gracias a todos,

    All of the mentioned ecological factors 'are upon us'

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Quote Originally Posted by martula
    adaptacion al cambio energetico/climatico que se nos esta echando encima."

    My attempt: adjustment to all the climate changes we are undergoing /experiencing

    Hope it helps !!!

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Thank you to all of you!

    I am still a bit confused though as there seems to be so many different translations? Are they all correct? Is the meaning of this term so wide?

    Any more suggestions?

    I've found that in Mexico the translation tends to do with taking responsibility for sth. which again makes sense in the given context but then it is a translation that is probably not common in Spain - Spanish.

    What do you think?

  6. #6
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Me decanto por:

    ...which is inevitably burdening upon us.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    I do not believe "burden" is used as a verb in English.
    (Y gracias, Exxcéntrica, por ensenarme la palabra "decantarse" que nunca he encontrado antes. ¡Qué utíl la palabra!)
    Last edited by mariaklec; 04-16-2009 at 10:30 AM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    I've had this on my mind all morning...

    How about: ...the climate change that is inevitably encroaching

    or: the inevitably encroaching climate change

    To my non-native ear, "se nos está echando encima" has a very passive sound to it, as though the climate change came out of nowhere, unprovoked by human activity. Does it have this meaning, or does it just mean that at this point it has its own momentum and there's no stopping it now?

  9. #9
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Very negative indeed, Maria

    Me encanta la palabra encroaching....por mi parte no la había oído. Esto se llama un intercambio perfecto: encroaching por decantarse
    or: the inevitably encroaching climate change

    Me parece perfecto.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: "nos esta echando encima" -translation

    Exxcéntrica: Me alegra que el intercambio te parece bueno. A mí también, por supuesto. He aprendido tanto aqui en este foro, y puedo ver que estás una buena maestra.

    Pero, no entiendo:
    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Very negative indeed, Maria
    ¿Se refiere a la frase "echarse encima"---que tiene un sentido negativo? ¿Tiene la frase un sentido pasivo también?

    Ojalá que no se refiera a mí o a mis mensajes.

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