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Thread: Please Translate To English

  1. #1
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    Question Please Translate To English

    Hágale piensa que él sospecha mi amor para él.

    Cómo pueda estoy posiblemente enamorado de usted cuando su casar a mi mejor amigo.

    Yo me caso a su mejor amigo pero eso no significa que usted no está en el amor conmigo.

    Is this the best way to say those phrases?

    Is this the proper translation?

  2. #2
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    Default no entiendo

    The Spanish here is a little confusing. What is it you're trying to say in English? Or in Spanish?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    These phrases don't make much sense in Spanish.

  4. #4
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    Default creo que se lo que quieria decir Spanish_Novice26

    The grammar is a little off and mine is rusty so bare with me:

    Hagale pensar en mi amor por el.
    <Make him think of my love for me>

    Como puedo estar enamorado de usted cuando caso a mi mejor amiga.
    <How can I be in love with him when he married my best friend (female?)>

    Yo me casare con su mejor amigo, pero eso no significaria que usted no estaria enamorado de mi.
    <I would marry your best friend (male?), but that does not mean that you would not be in love with me>

    I'm very rusty, but I hope this helps.

  5. #5
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    These were the original sentences in english, I tried to get someone to properly translate them for me, and no one would.

    Do you think he suspects my love for him?

    How can I possibly be in love with you when your marrying my best friend?

    I am marrying your best friend but that does not mean you are not in love with me .


  6. #6
    Ali is offline
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    Hi, the translation will be like this:

    Do you think he suspects my love for him?
    Tu crees que él sospecha de mi amor por él.

    How can I possibly be in love with you when your marrying my best friend?
    Como yo podría estar enamorada de ti si estás casando com mi mejor amiga?

    I am marrying your best friend but that does not mean you are not in love with me.
    Yo estoy casando con tu mejor amiga, pero eso no significa que tu no estás enamorada de mí.


  7. #7
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    It should be:

    Do you think he suspects my love for him?
    ¿Crees que él sospeche mi amor por él?

    How can I possibly be in love with you when you´re marrying my best friend?
    ¿Cómo sería posible que yo esté enamorada de ti cuando estás casándote con mi mejor amiga?

    I am marrying your best friend but that does not mean you are not in love with me.
    Estoy casándome con tu mejor amigo pero eso no significa que tú no estás enamorado de mí.

    You have to use the subjunctive.

  8. #8
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    Default translate

    can someone please translate this phase into spanish.

    Best Friends sounds amazing

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