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The context: "En un mundo cada dia mas condicionado por la velocidad de los cambios y el aumento de las incertidumbreas, reflexionar en torno al turismo y su futuro requiere considerar no solo sus propias transformaciones internas sino, tambien, su relacion con la evolucion de los sistemas vitales de la biosfera y, muy especialmente, con el cambio climatico global, reconocido en la actualidad como uno de los mayores retos de futuro."
My attempt: "To think about tourism and its future in a world that is more and more contitioned by fast changes and rising uncertanties it is necessary to take into account not only its own internal transformations but also its connection to the evolution of the life systems of the biosphere and, especially to global climate change, which is currently seen as on of the biggest challenges of the future."
What do you think? Is the above translation a good attempt? I am aslo a bit confused about the use of "muy especialmente" in the original. How would you translate that? I left "muy" out of my translation but I am not sure whether that is a good thing to do.
Thank you so much!