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Thread: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

  1. #1
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    Post Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    Que honda Carnalito, soy yo tu ermano. Espero que te encuentres bien, pues la mera neta me siento muy mal por lo que esta pasando, y mas mal me siento porque no te puedo ayudar en nada, pues me enserraron por pegarle a brittany, pero ella no me echo el chota, simplemente su mama, me echo el chota, pero yo creo que este mes yo salgo, y sabes que? El otro dia able con Gavi y me dijo que ya tienes un abogado y que la familia esta tratando de rreunir la feria para sacarte, tambien me dijo que muy pronto te ban a sacar, pues la mera neta carnalito, espero que salgas muy pronto, pues yo no me aguito, primero quiera que salgas tu y luego yo. bueno como ermano que somos yo te digo que te quiero mucho y lo siento mucho por no poder ayudarte, soy un pinche pendejo, la mera neta, no me gusta ver que tu estes en la carsel, pero un dia tu saldras de esa pinche carsel y yo se que eso sera muy pronto, por que no todo el tiempo te tendran presa pero una cosa si te digo carnalito, portate buliente y trata de no aguitarte, pidele a dios que te ayude mucho y que te de fuerzas para segir adelante, otra cosa carlos, si yo estuviera contigo, yo si le parto su madre al que se paso de verga contigo, yo si le parto su madre, pero por aora portate vien, ten mucha pasensia y trate de acer mucho ejercisio, solamente asi yo quito mi coraje. y sabes que carnal, quiero que me escribas una carta y que me digas pues que esta pasando ayi. cuando quieras escribirme manda la carta a esta direccion que te voy a dar pero pones el nombre de brittany. porque es a ella a quien vas a mandar la carta y ella me lu va a manda a mi, aqui bas a ver la direccion. bueno pues carnalito, como te digo asi le pones a la carta, otra ves mas te digo que te cuides mucho y cuando salgamos nos veremos otra vej, y porfavor trata de escribirme, y dime que esta pasando ayi, y que te a dicho tu abogado, y cuanto es tu bono, pues yo aqui nadie se pasa de verga conmigo, y el que se pasa le paro el alto, pero por aora no quiero pelear, si leleo me dan mas tiempo, y tiempo yo no quiero, por que alomejor yo salga de aqui este mes el 12 de este mes, pero ojalay que salgas tu primero, y rroja que pedo con ella, ya no te va a ver o que , ella te puedo ayudar carnal, por lo pranto cuidate mucho, y as muchos push ups, eso te ayuda un chingo, la mera neta no se por que paso todo esto, pero cuando salga me voy a portar vien, cuidate y echale gangas carnalito. te quiere mucho y te estimo mucho carnalito, piensa en dios y ten fee que todo va a salir bien. tu ermano, alejandro.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    This bothers me a lot. How did you get this letter, and what relation are you to these guys? I can translate nearly all of it, and it is one brother (I mean in the sense that they have the same mother and father - not that they're in any kind of club together) in jail trying to make contact with another brother who is also in jail. And he is doing it in a very caring way. I'm sure they're Mexican (the dialect is a little hard for me in one spot), but he doesn't say if they're in the US right now or not. Alejando is just asking Carlos for a letter to tell him what is going on. He gives him advice to keep his chin up and to do a lot of excercises to work off anger. Alejando says he is going to avoid anything that might earn him more time, and that he plans to keep his nose clean when he gets out. There is no discussion about why Carlos is in jail.

    If anyone else wants to help, I'm having trouble with: y rroja que pedo con ella, ya no te va a ver o que , ella te puedo ayudar carnal
    Last edited by gernt; 02-14-2009 at 09:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    y rroja que pedo con ella, ya no te va a ver o que , ella te puedo ayudar carnal
    Y la pelirroja (or simply a nickname for a woman) , ¿qué hay con ella?

    So the redhead (or simple nick for a woman) what about her? Is she not visiting you any more? She cannot help you , bro.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    How did you get this letter, and what relation are you to these guys?
    Gernt, Brittany is mentioned in this letter, she was the one beaten up.

    pues me enserraron por pegarle a brittany,

    and the one this letter was sent to:

    cuando quieras escribirme manda la carta a esta direccion que te voy a dar pero pones el nombre de brittany. porque es a ella a quien vas a mandar la carta y ella me lu va a manda a mi,
    Last edited by exxcéntrica; 02-15-2009 at 05:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    Claro que si, exactamente la razón no he dicho mucho. Y su mama llamó las autoridades. Escribí la traducción, pero quiero saber más antes de ponerla en el foro. Si, supongo es Brittany, pero no estoy seguro. Si es Brittany, me pregunto por que no habla ningún español. Aparentemente, Brittany recibirá la carta de Carlos, y no esta carta aquí en el foro. Que un telenovela. Pero el secreto está revelado, así no me toca nada. Gracias.

    No entiendo por que rroja no puede ayudarle a Carlos - a mi me parece dice que ella si podría ayudarle.
    Last edited by gernt; 02-15-2009 at 04:18 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    What relation am I to these guys? I am Alejandro's girlfriend & the mother of his baby girl. I know this letter is to his brother, but I dont read English and he's not always been good to me if you get the point. They are both in seperate jails. Carlos is in jail for having fake id's & Alejandro is in jail for battery against me, & now they are threatening to take him back to Mexico. So if Alejandro writes a letter to his brother, he sends it to me so I can send it out for him. He's sent a letter to his brother before, I usually dont even bother, but my name was mentioned in it. This happened quite a few months ago, Alejandro had written a letter to his brother, & I had somebody read it to me and what was said about me wasnt so good. Which is why I wanted this letter translated into English, unless someone just wants to tell me what it says about me, then that'd be fine, too. =]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    That's all I was asking for:

    What’s going on little bro, this is your brother. I hope that you are well, but the truth is I feel so bad about what is happening and worse because I can’t help you with anything. Well, they locked me up for hitting Brittany. She didn’t squeal on me, but her mother did. I think I get out this month, and you know what? The other day, I talked to Gavi and Gavi said to me that already you have a lawyer and that the family is trying to get the funds together to get you sprung, and also that you’re going to get out soon. Well, the pure truth, bro, is I hope that you do get out soon. I mean that. I’d like you out first, then me. Well, like the brothers we are, I’ll tell you that you mean a lot to me, and it hurts that I can’t help you. I’m a dumbass, that’s the truth, and I don’t for one minute like to see that you’re in jail, but one day you’ll get out of stupid jail and I know very soon, because they can’t keep you locked up forever. But one thing I’ll tell you, keep your chin up and don’t weaken. Pray to God to help you a lot and to give you strength to go on. Another thing Carlos, if I were with you, I’d take care of anyone who messed with you, but, for the moment, behave yourself and have patience, and exercise a lot. That’s the only way I can get rid of my anger. And you know what? I want you to write me a letter and tell me how things are going there. When you want to write, send the letter to this address that I’m going to give you, but use Brittany’s name, because you’re going to send the letter to her, and she’ll send it to me, here you’ll see the address. Well, little brother, like I tell you, that’s how you do the letter. Again, I tell you to take care of yourself, and when you get sprung, we’ll see each other again, and please, try to write me, and tell me what is happening there, and what your lawyer told you, and how much is the bond. Well, no one is messing with me here, and I’m not going to let it get to me, because I don’t want to fight. I would be hit with more time, and more time I don’t want, because it is better to leave this place, the 12th of this month, but, I hope you get out first. So the redhead what about her? Is she not visiting you any more? [Note: Exx said this is cannot, I read it as can, but she's way ahead of me, so I don't know] She (can?) help you , bro. For the time being, take good care and do a lot of push-ups. It’ll help you a lot. The pure truth is I don’t know why any of this is happening, but when I get out, I’m going try to do the right thing and really try bro. I love and respect you a lot. Think in God, and have faith that everything will turn out OK.

    Your brother,

    Last edited by gernt; 02-20-2009 at 01:47 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    ella te puedo ayudar carnal
    SORRY, GERNT IS RIGHT, IT DOES SAY "she can help you bro, ...

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Can somebody please translate this letter into English for me?

    Exx, I just realized you must have read my entire translation. I'm touched. And that's no joke.

  10. #10
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    Thank you so much!

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