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Thread: new here please help me translate this

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default new here please help me translate this

    the free online sites don't really do an adequate job and it's very important i get this right......any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much in advance.

    que haces querida trato de escribirte a tu cel nnuevo pero no me sale no se tal ves tengo mal configurado por que a vene le llegan sin drama
    si ellas ya estan por aca bien... hermosas las nenas,,, y vos que tal creo que las cosas no estan muy bien con dave por que el llamo anoche a preguntar algo.. y le digimos la verdad seguro despues hablo coontigo y le habras contado realmente que fue por que el volvio a llamar y le conto a vane.. pero bueno que puedo decirte.. ya somos grandes.. y cada uno elije su camino.. sos nuestra hermana y te queremos mucho solo que es obvio que se estan volviendo a aprovechar de vos... y no te enojes mas con dave trata de entenderle de ponerte en su lugar que harias vos si fueses el y si en todo caso ya no queres que el se meta en tus cosas le ubieras dejado por que si decidiste quedarte con el es por que decidiste mantener tu matrimonio y esta no es la forma... el esta herido y dolido aqui la victima en este caso es el..yo creo que en lugar de seguir con el si ya no le queres dejale... pero nadie se merece esto si a vos te te estuviese haciendo lo mismo como estarias.???? ojala me equivoque besos querida y tranquila no hagas nada por impulso.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: new here please help me translate this

    Dear, what are you doing? I have tried to write you text messages to your new cell phone, but it does not seem to work, probably it is wrongly configured, because Vane has not problem in getting them. Yes, they are already here, the little girls are beautiful. And you? how are you? I think things are not well between you and Dave, because he called last night to ask something... and we told him the truth, I am sure he spoke with you afterwards and you sure told him what really happened, because he called again and spoke to Vane... well, What can I tell you? We are all grown up, and we choose the way we want to live our lives...You are our sister and we love you very much, it is just we see you are again being taken advantage of... And do not be mad at Dave again, try to understand him to be in his shoes, what would you do in you were in his place? And if you do not longer want him to interfere in your life, you would have already left him , because if you decided to be with him, it is because you decided to keep your marriage and this is not the way to do that... he is hurt, in this case he is the victim...I think that you should leave him if you do not longer love him, but noone deserves this...If someone would have done this to you, how would you feel? I hope I am wrong...

    Kisses, darling and please do not act impulsively.

    I hope this helps! good luck!
    Last edited by Sweetblue; 08-16-2009 at 12:27 AM.

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