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Thread: I'm a newbie...the love of my life sent a message

  1. #1
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    Default I'm a newbie...the love of my life sent a message

    Can someone help me to translate this? My girlfriend, who speaks Spanish, sent this to me. The online computer translations are terrible. Thanks for anyhelp!

    babe te estrano mucho deceo con ancias locas de besarte y tenerte en mis brazos ,poder recorer mis amonos sobre tu cuerpo estrano cada minuto los bellos momentos que pasamos juntos

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I'm a newbie...the love of my life sent a message

    Luvet, she has written she has left you for someone else, younger, better looking, and with a good job. Sorry.

    Try, "Baby, I miss you a lot. I am anxious to kiss you and have you in my arms, to be able to run my hands* over your body. I miss each minute the beautiful moments we spent together." And then she asks you for money. Lots, and lots of money. And then she talks more about that new guy in her life.

    *There are misspelled words in the text. This explains in part why computer translators ran into trouble. I assume by "amonos" she meant "manos", and that would mean "hands" and not something kinky like Play Dough or maple syrup. Stick to what is between quotation marks. What is outside them are efforts at humor. Okay? And good luck.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I'm a newbie...the love of my life sent a message

    Thanks for the translation!

    As for the money comment...she DOES cost me a lot of money.

    If there is another guy....I hope he picks up half the tab.


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