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Thread: Un poco de filosofia

  1. #1
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    Default Un poco de filosofia

    Hola amigos: ¿Pudieran ayudarme y corregir mi traducción al inglés? De antemano, muchas gracias.

    La duda cartesiana en torno al conocimiento está con nosotros nuevamente, en medio de un mundo cada vez más unido por la tecnología, pero más dividido por las creencias e intereses.
    Personalmente, siempre he sido una optimista con la vida, el hombre y su destino. Esta actitud es la que encuentro en Descartes, por esto, mi especial simpatía por su pensamiento. Descartes acepta la capacidad del hombre para conocer la verdad, contrariamente a Kant, quien dejó al conocimiento, sumergido en la subjetividad en su “Crítica de la razón pura”.
    Tanto Descartes como Kant emprendieron caminos diferentes. La ruta de Kant es oscura, sin posibilidad de orgullo ni de luz, donde el hombre queda arrodillado ante la fe. La de Descartes es en penumbra, donde al final correcto o no, la luz de Dios y de sí mismo le estában esperando.
    Recuerdo que uno de sus críticos le dijo a Descartes, que, si dudaba mucho de la realidad, diera un puntapié a una piedra de tamaño adecuado, para que entendiera a través del dolor, si él debía dudar de la realidad. Detrás de ese hombre estaba la sabiduría, pero detrás de Descartes, estaba la inteligencia, haciendo preguntas válidas en la búsqueda del conocimiento.
    Hoy día, sin embargo, ya no podemos continuar haciéndonos preguntas, sino que tenemos que estar seguros de nuestro conocimiento y de nuestra capacidad para conocer. No podemos permitirnos el lujo de la duda. De modo que, así como Descartes se descubría a sí mismo como un ser imperfecto porque él dudaba de su conocimento, la existencia de armas nucleares en nuestra época nos hace descubrirnos como seres completos.

    The Cartesian doubt around the knowledge is with us again, in the middle of a world increasingly united by technology, but divided by the beliefs and interests.
    Personally, I was always an optimist with life, the man and his destiny. This attitude is the one that I found in Descartes, Therefore, my special sympathy for his thinking. Descartes accepts the capacity of the man to know the truth, contrary to Kant, who left the knowledge, submerged in the subjectivity in his "Critical of the pure reason".
    So much Descartes as Kant undertook different roads. Kant's path is dark, without possibility of pride neither of light, where the man remains knelt before the faith. That of Descartes is in half-light, where at the end correct or not, the light of God and of himself was waiting for him.
    I remember that one of his critics told Descartes, that, if he doubted a lot of the reality, gave a kick to a stone of adequate size to understand through the pain, if he should doubt the reality. Behind that, man was the wisdom, but behind Descartes, was the intelligence asking valid questions in the search of knowledge.
    Nowadays, nevertheless, no longer, we can continue asking questions, but we have to be sure of our knowledge and of our capacity to know. We cannot afford to doubt. So that, as well as Descartes discovered that he was an imperfect being because he doubted about his own knowledge, the existence of nuclear weapons in our epoch makes us discover us as complete beings

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Un poco de filosofia

    Trataba de parecer cuerdo, pero es inútil. Descubrí que la raya de Microsoft Word que indique una palabra para sacar (y otras marcas) no transfiere al fórum. Pero quité varias “the”s. No usamos tan mucho los artículos porque no usamos el género gramático.

    The man – un hombre especial
    A man – cualquier hombre
    Man – todo el mundo en general, usualmente hombres y mujeres
    The knowledge – el conocimiento de algo especial
    Knowledge – el conocimiento en general

    The Cartesian doubt concerning the importance of knowledge is with us again in the middle of a world increasingly united by technology but divided by beliefs and interests. Personally, I was always an optimist about life, man, and his destiny. This attitude is the one that I found in Descartes, thus my special sympathy with his thinking. Descartes accepts the capacity of man to recognize truth, in contrast to to Kant, who left knowledge submerged in subjectivity in his "The Critique of Pure Reason". Descartes and Kant took different roads. Kant's path is dark, with the possibility of neither pride nor light, where man remains kneeling before faith. The way of Descartes is merely shadowed, and in which, at the end, correct or not, the light of God and of himself is waiting for him. I remember that one of his critics told Descartes, that, if he doubted reality very much, just kick a large enough stone and see, with such pain, if he could still doubt reality. Behind that man was wisdom, but behind Descartes was intelligence asking valid questions in the search of knowledge. In our time, nonetheless, we cannot continue asking ourselves questions without being sure of our knowledge and of our capacity to know. We cannot permit ourselves the luxury of doubt. So that, just as Descartes discovered he was an imperfect being because he doubted his own knowledge, the existence of nuclear weapons in our time makes us rediscover ourselves as complete beings.
    Last edited by gernt; 09-03-2009 at 03:06 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Un poco de filosofia

    Muchas gracias Gernt, su ayuda me ha sido muy valiosa.

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