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Thread: can anyone translate this?

  1. #1
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    Default can anyone translate this?

    holaa chica pues enn vdd creeo ke eso ke me dices no tiene el menor sentido osea yo siempre eh tratado de seguir normal apesar de ke me duele ke estes lejos como te comento yo siempre te eh apoyado y siempre lo hare para todoo!!

    ke tengas buen dia
    Last edited by andy3838; 01-11-2010 at 05:32 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: can anyone translate this?

    This is rife with misspellings and texting shortcuts. One would have to make a lot of guesses. Why not make an attempt and we can assist with some suggestions.

  3. #3
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: can anyone translate this?

    Quote Originally Posted by andy3838
    holaa chica pues enn vdd creeo ke eso ke me dices no tiene el menor sentido osea yo siempre eh tratado de seguir normal apesar de ke me duele ke estes lejos como te comento yo siempre te eh apoyado y siempre lo hare para todoo!! tlj y sin que te enojes yo si siento eso de tu parte asi como que andas spr distante y mas que eso, por ejemplo de ese dia que me empezaste a preguntar sobre la edad y eso asi como que yo me senti raro asi como si te rieras de mi iwuall ii no lo hiciste con ese afan pero neto asi lo sentii mira la vdd io no kieroo ke nos enojemos ni nada por el estilo ok pero si necesito saber ke onda contigo.....

    ke tengas buen dia
    Here's what I think...

    Hey girl! Well, I think that what you're saying makes no sense, I mean, I've always tried to be OK, even though it hurts me that you are away. I'm telling you, I've always backed you up/supported you with everything, and I always will! ¿tlj? (i don't know that one), don't be mad, but I do feel that from you, that you are always distant and more than that, like that day that you started asking me about age and stuff, I felt strange/weird, like you were laughing at me. Still, if you didn't mean it like that, that's how I felt it. Look, I really don't want us to be mad at each other or anything like that, ok? But I really need to know what's up with you/how you feel...

    Have a nice day

    Hope this helps!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: can anyone translate this?


    tlj can stand for "te lo juro". "...tlj y sin que te enojes yo..." Honestly, and please don't be mad at me for saying so, I feel that...

  5. #5
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: can anyone translate this?

    Ohhhhhhhh... Cool...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: can anyone translate this?

    Thanks so much you guys!! This makes sense now

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