Para mí solo son papeles
Para mí solo son papeles
For (to) me, they are just ________.
Roles (or parts) to play
Have any more context?
For me, they're just papers.
Hi Gernt! We answered simultaneously, but your answer is better!
¡Hola Gambrini! // Hi Gambrini!!
Estoy de acuerdo con Gernt. Necesitaríamos más contexto para traducir correctamente. // I agree with Gernt. We would need more context to translate accurately.
Otras opciones podrían ser: // Other options could be:
* Para mi solo son composiciones/ensayos. // For me they're just compositions/essays.
* Para mi solo son diarios. // For me they're just newspapers.
* Para mi solo son examenes. // For me they're just tests.
Si tienes alguna pregunta, por favor no dudes en consultarme. // If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in ask me.
Gracias a todos por responder. Thank you all for the answers.
I choose "for me, they are just papers". It's about "important" documents that i'll burn.
Gracias a todos por responder. Me quedo con "for me, they are just papers". Se trata de documentos "importantes" que pretendo quemar.
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