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Thread: Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

  1. #1
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    Default Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

    HOla es mi primer post y la verdad no se donde recurrir para poder traducir este video o x lo menos que le saquen la letra en ingles (escuchandolo) y yo lo traduzco tengo un nivel medio de ingles pero al oirlo me cuesta muchisimo entender.
    Si alguien puede se los agradezco de corazon, porque es para un plan educativo, necesito subtitularlo. SALUDOS!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

    Hacía esto, y no puedo adivinar la razón. No puedo teclear muy rapido. Es si bello, pero es muy difícil siquiera para mi entenderlo, especialmente la primera persona.

    (El primer hombre)

    When the European first came here – Columbus – we could drink out of any river. If the Europeans had lived the Indian way when they came, we would still be drinking out of the water because the water is safer, the air is safer.

    Our DNA is made of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale.

    When the tree exhales, we need what the tree exhales.

    So – we have a common destiny with the tree.

    We are all from the Earth, and when the Earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction. Mother Earth is reacting.

    (El segundo hombre)

    And the world has become – quote – a market. And if this market that we have to deal with and is this idea of boundless and endless resources. And when you say resources, you’re talking about our relatives – talking about our family. These are our family – it’s not a resource it’s a family. It requires all the respect.

    Al menos, un punto para empezar.
    Last edited by gernt; 01-29-2010 at 10:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

    Hay nieve fuera y hielo y no puedo salir ahorita:

    The structure of the world itself is such it functions on natural law and the natural law is a powerful regenerative process. There’s a process of regeneration that continues in growth and is endless – absolutely endless – IF everyone agrees to the law and follows the law. But if but if you challenge the law and you think you are going to change the law, then you’re bound to failure and in that failure will be a lot of pain because the natural law has no mercy. It is only the law.

    The Earth is all powerful. It wasn’t made here for human beings. See, say, we’re a part of it. But we don’t have to be here because the Earth has its own process. And if it comes to the point where you destroy yourself as human beings and you destroy life and finally leave this earth, the earth’s not going to disappear. There’s not going to be an end to the world. That’s really a very interesting concept to us. No, the world won’t end. The people and life on it will. So it’s not the end of the world you’re talking about, it’s the end of us. And the world, no matter what damage you think you’ve done to it, will regenerate, will re-green, will redo everything that was here at one time except there won’t be any people because it’s got all the time in the world.

  4. #4
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    Cool Re: Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

    ... y por aqui, en Argentina con 39 grados centigrados.

    Muchisimas gracias Gernt x lo que estas haciendo no te das una idea, de como nos ayudas, un abrazo enorme!!!

    Voy a ver como me las arreglo para ir pasandolo a un buen castellano, porque los traductores dejan verbos sin conjugar y oraciones sin sentido.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Alguien puede sacar la letra de este video?

    Ack! ¿Donde en Argentina? Casi prefiero nieve.

    Ud. quiere decir los traductores automáticos supongo. Sí, claro. Siquiera las personas muy bilingües no van a entender todo de esto. Aquí “pulling your horse” quiere decir tirando de las riendas. Y mucho no tiene sentido. Están dejando caer palabras. Tal vez no hay ningún guión.

    Bien, un poco mas.

    As you’re coming down the final stretch you’re racing towards the finish and there is the stone wall and you’re not pulling your horse you’re not stopping you’re not… you’re in fact accelerating.

    That’s the way I see your use of what you call resources. You’re using them faster than they’re reproducing. And you’re headed towards that disaster. And none of you are pulling your horse. And every day that you don’t do what’s right is a day that you’ve lost an option. And you’re losing your options every day.

    No tree grows by itself. A tree is a community. Certain trees, certain plants will gather around certain trees.
    Last edited by gernt; 01-30-2010 at 09:06 PM.

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