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Thread: Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

    This is a songtext used in a Dutch themepark. My question: is this text grammatically correct? If not, what's wrong?

    Bailamos todos aquí,
    cantamos siempre en el corazón,
    el sol brilla para tí, diviértete!

    Bailamos todos aquí,
    cantamos siempre en el corazón,
    el sol brilla para tí, y miráme!

    Bailamos todos aquí,
    cantamos siempre en el corazón,
    el sol brilla para tí, diviértete!

    Bailamos todos aquí,
    cantamos siempre en el corazón,
    el sol brilla para tí, y miráme!

  2. #2
    Registered User Ibarguren's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

    Hi there,

    We usually say:

    Cantamos siempre con el corazón.

    *tí is not correct. You should write ti.
    *miráme in Spanish from Spain is mírame (but in Argentina they say miráme, I don't know if that is accepted there)

    Last edited by Ibarguren; 03-09-2010 at 11:46 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

    mírame is not only Spanish from Spain. Most Latin American countries use tu instead of vos. Argentina is one of the only exceptions.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

    The song is completly correct not errors.....

    it's okay to say
    Cantamos en el corazon and it's also correct cantamos con el corazon....
    but they mean different things...
    en el conrazon means inside the heart and
    con el conrazon means with the heart...

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Post Re: Is this Spanish songtext grammatically correct?

    ¡Hola estebandilone! / Hi estebandilone!

    Nunca escuché la frase "cantar en el corazón", creo que tal vez estes confundido con "cantar desde el corazón". / I never heard the phrase "cantar en el corazón", I think you maybe are confusing with "cantar desde el corazón".
    Cantar en el corazón = Sing inside the heart. Parece medio dificil de poder hacer. / Seems a bit difficult to do.
    Cantar desde el corazón = Sing from the heart.

    Pero la más usada siempre es "cantar con el corazón". / But the more used is always "cantar con el corazón".
    Cantar con el corazón = Sing with the heart.

    Espero que pueda servirte de ayuda. / Hope this could be of help.

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