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Thread: Personification

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Personification

    I have to translate this quote. It deals with a street pattern that twists up to the most attractive part of town "abandoning" the traveller. The author personifies the streets as repentant or penitents. Can anyone suggest a suitable translation, especially for the second part of the sentence?

    "..abandonan al viandante en la parte más bonita, como arrepentidas de haberlo hecho subir."

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    May 2009
    scotsburn, nova scotia
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    Default Re: Personification

    "...they leave the traveller in the most beautiful part (of town),
    as if sorry for making him climb (or apologizing for the climb)."

    The sense one gets is that the streets are "making it up to him"
    for the long climb.

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