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Thread: Democresia

  1. #1
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    Default Democresia

    A recent column in a Colombian newspaper is entitled "Hipocracia o Democresia". The author seems to have used this spelling deliberately and it is not a spelling mistake. It is used a little on the internet, but in the contexts of where it is used, it sometimes seems to be used where the writer has misspect democracy. I am wondering what the English equivalent would be. The author obviously wanted to keep the similarity between the two words in the title, which may not be possible in English

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Democresia

    It is also found in España today and author implies his usage.


    Hoy la hipocresía, en el marco democrático eso sí, es la regla. Tanto que podríamos, a los efectos de precisar mejor las cosas, no hablar de democracia sino de democresía o hipocracia. Se puede elegir, tanto da, se trata de lo mismo.
    Last edited by penningdcp; 04-17-2010 at 08:04 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Democresia

    Thank you very much for that. I did read through the article and saw the concluding paragraph, but thought that maybe "cresia" or some derivative of it had some other meaning in Spanish that went beyond a simple but deliberate misspelling of the English "democracy" to "democrisy". I couldn't think of any, but now that I read the article again, it does seem that the author is doing no more than that and that an appropriate English translation would be "democrisy" with its similarity to "hypocrisy". Thanks again.

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