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Thread: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

  1. #1
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    Default Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Please can anyone translate this sentence to me in spanish " Should I smile because you are my friend or cry because that is all we will ever be". I have tried the google translator but the sentence just doesn't make any sense.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by ssss
    Please can anyone translate this sentence to me in spanish " Should I smile because you are my friend or cry because that is all we will ever be". I have tried the google translator but the sentence just doesn't make any sense.

    "¿Debería sonreír porque sos mi amigo/a o llorar porque eso es todo lo que seremos?"

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    "¿Debería sonreír porque sos mi amigo/a o llorar porque eso es todo lo que seremos?"

    Where is the other person? "Sos" is fine in some countries (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, etc.), but in others you want to use "eres".

    Are you speaking to a male or female? Use "amigo" for a male, "amiga" for a female.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    "sos" (conjugation of the verb ser) used with the pronoun "voz" is also used in Guatemala and, according to my training, throughout central america. I have never heard it used by anyone from Columbia or Argentina or Chile. I don't know about Uruguay. Can anyone from those countries confirm?

  5. #5
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    Post Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    ¡Hola bnatural3rd! / Hi bnatural3rd!

    Sí, aquí en Argentina usamos el pronombre "vos" con S, para que no se confunda con el sonido que emitimos usando nuestras cuerdas vocales. / Yes, here in Argentina we use the pronoun "vos" with S, to avoid be confused with the sound we emitted using our vocal cords.

    Espero que pueda servirte de ayuda. / Hope this could be of help.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by bnatural3rd
    "sos" (conjugation of the verb ser) used with the pronoun "voz" is also used in Guatemala and, according to my training, throughout central america. I have never heard it used by anyone from Columbia or Argentina or Chile. I don't know about Uruguay. Can anyone from those countries confirm?

    Hi everybody. In Chile we do not use "vos" but "eres".

  7. #7
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    bnatural3rd, as far as I know, we only use the pronoun VOS in Argentina and Uruguay. Not in Chile for sure, and pretty certain that it's not used in Guatemala either.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Sí, coincido con mvictoria.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Thank you for answering my question about Chile. I guess I hadn't noticed when I used to speak with a Chilean friend many years ago, or is there part of Chile that does not use vos?
    My Guatemalan friend always speaks using the conjugations that go with vos. For example:
    Sos mi amiga.
    Comé la carne.
    Te fuistes temprano.
    It is also used in part of Nicaragua and other parts of Central America and a couple of regions in other countries.
    I found more info in Wikepedia.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Can anyone help me to translate this sentence

    Yea that's right, Argentina, not Chile.

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