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Thread: Help with Garibaldi (music group) - "Juana la Cubana" lyrics

  1. #1
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    Default Help with Garibaldi (music group) - "Juana la Cubana" lyrics

    Ola amigos,

    I have some lyrics to this section of this song, but I don't think they are entirely correct.

    Here is the section, which I have slowed down to 1/2 speed:
    (You do not need to join this service, just click the "Download Now" link on the left side. You have to wait a few seconds, then save the wav file. Please let me know if you cannot download it).

    Here are the lyrics (downloaded from an internet site):

    Baile como Juana la cubana
    El ritmo que se siente sabroso como jugo de manzana,
    Baile como Juana la cubana
    Un paso pa delante, un paso para atras pero con ganas,
    Baile como Juana la cubana
    Para seguir el ritmo, se tienen que mover igual que Juana,
    Baile como Juana la cubana
    Viendo bailar a Juana me quedo asta las 6 de la manana,

    Some of the words do not sound right. I appreciate anyone who wants to offer corrections.

    Muchas gracias, saludos.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Garibaldi (music group) - "Juana la Cubana" lyrics

    Baila como Juana la cubana
    El ritmo que se siente sabroso como jugo de manzana,
    Baila como Juana la cubana
    Un paso para adelante, un paso para atras pero con ganas,
    Baila como Juana la cubana
    Para seguir el ritmo, se tienen que mover igual que Juana,
    Baila como Juana la cubana
    Viendo bailar a Juana me quedo hasta las 6 de la manana,

    Some of the words do not sound right. I appreciate anyone who wants to offer corrections.

    I've highlighted the missing letters, but overall it is correct.
    Maybe you need a translation?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with Garibaldi (music group) - "Juana la Cubana" lyrics

    I apologize. It occured to me after my initial post that this probably belongs in the Linguistics forum, since I am not actually asking for a translation.

    Anyway, thanks for the reply, Dragona. I have been listening to this since I first posted, and am more familiar with the tempo, etc., and now it does sound more like the printed lyrics to me.

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