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Thread: Verter

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Verter

    Desde la idea de esfericidad de la Tierra vertida por Tales de Mileto y recogida por Ptolomeo, pasando por lapsos de estancamiento incluso retrocesos hasta el siglo XIII en que se retorna a la geografía matemática y empieza ya una carrera imparable hacia un conocimiento pormenorizado y fidedigno del orbe...

    My attempt:

    Ever since the idea of sphericity of the Earth spilled by Tales of Mileto and picked up by Ptolomeo, happening through lapses of stagnation even backward movements to the XIIIth century in which one returns to mathematical geography and it already begins an unstoppable stroke towards a detailed and trustworthy knowledge of the orb...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Verter

    From the time the idea that the earth was round was first proposed by Thales of Miletus and later picked up by Ptolemy, it passed through eras of stagnation and even regression until the thirteenth century. At that point, mathematical geography took off and became an unstoppable progression to a detailed and trustworthy knowledge of the globe.

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