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Thread: No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

  1. #1
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    Default No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

    It is assumed that some idioms (like the previous examples) have acquired a new meaning different from the original one and then have become a standardized metaphor that was utilized to imply roughly the same idea. This new version of the idiom may have been used even after the original meaning resulted unknown to most people, that is to say, people have kept on using some of these expressions even though they did not know how it emerged and the implications that it previously had

  2. #2
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    Default Re: No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

    In my opinion like is ok in this phrase.

    I think the rest of the parragraph is not very clear. I would suggest to simplify it:
    This new version of the idiom got in use after the original meaning became unknown to most people, that is to say, people continue using some of these expressions with their new meaning because they did not know how it emerged nor its previous use.

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

    Quote Originally Posted by CARITOG86 View Post
    It is assumed that some idioms (like the previous examples) have acquired a new meaning...
    I would say it: "It is assumed that some idioms, like the examples (cited) above, have acquired a new meaning..." "LIKE" works perfectly fine for me!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

    I think like is ok.

    You are talking about "some idioms" in the plural, so I think the rest has to be in the plural as well:

    It is assumed that some idioms (like the previous examples) have acquired new meanings different from the original ones and then have become standardized metaphors that were utilized to imply roughly the same idea. These new versions of the idioms may have been used even after the original meanings became unknown to most people, that is to say, people (delete "have") kept on using some of these expressions even though they did not know how they emerged and the implications that they previously had.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: No estoy segura si es correcto el uso de LIKE en este caso.

    These are my suggestions:

    It is assumed that some idioms (like the previous examples) have acquired a new meaning, one different from the original. They have become standardized metaphors to imply roughly the same ideas. These new versions of the idioms may have continued to be used long after the orginal meanings lost all meaning to most people. That is to say, people have continued using some of these expressions even though they did not know how they came to be nor the implications that they previously had.

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