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Thread: Be cool!

  1. #1
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    Default Be cool!

    Hola and Hello! I am translating a series of educational brochures on health related issues for school age children. I am a bit stuck in "Be cool! Eat smart!" I need some neutral Spanish translation and all I come up with is a mannerism, because it is actually how it is written.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    Hey There

    I didnt want to answer to this post before, cause Im from Argentina, and thought someone else would hep you out. someone frm a more "neutral" background.

    If it were for Argentina, you could go with something like "canchero"... Or you could keep the cool.. I think its quite international by now..


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    Taking into account this is for an enducative brochure, my attempt would be:
    Se inteligente. Come saludable.

    It is very different from the source phrase but it is a possible approach.

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