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Thread: Nice to be here...

  1. #1
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    Smile Nice to be here...

    My name is Nick and I live in Spain.
    I am a bi-lingual speaker of Spanish and English.
    I need help to translate a friend's website as some of the terms could be a bit of a challenge.
    Will be likewise only too happy to help out and contribute in return.
    I rather translate from scratch because all the translators on the Web (non human) are a pitiful mess... No Website which seeks serious business should rely on such appalling mistranslations. The end result is both disappointing and embarrassing to say the least...
    Last edited by translator2011; 01-05-2011 at 03:37 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nice to be here...

    Hi Nick! Feel free to start posting everything you might need an advice of and I am pretty sure that all our colleagues will come to your rescue.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Xóchitl L.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Nice to be here...

    Quote Originally Posted by translator2011 View Post
    ... because all the translators on the Web (non human) are a pitiful mess... No Website which seeks serious business should rely on such appalling mistranslations. The end result is both disappointing and embarrassing to say the least...
    Tell me about it. Few months ago I was hired as Spanish editor/proofreader to work on a book. I did not know that the book had been translated from English to Spanish using a "non human" translator. Maliciously (I assume) my customer sent me a couple of pages that were not bad at all, so I quoted based on those pages.

    The editing turned into a nightmare so I decided to start over from scratch, otherwise I would have never finished.

    I promised to myself that I wouldn't let anybody fool me again.

    By the way ...


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