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Thread: Hello everyone!

  1. #1
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    Smile Hello everyone!

    I'm from Mexico, but currently living in the USA. I'm preparing myself to start working as a freelance (English-Spanish) translator.
    Any recommendations? What kind of translating tools do you use? What is the best Spanish dictionary to use online?

    I have been living for a long time in the USA and earned an advanced English certificate online, so I'm fluent in both languages. Not sure if I should translate to English as well as is not my native language.

  2. #2
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Hola Beatriz!
    Bienvenida al foro!
    Esperamos que puedas contribuir con tus experiencias y conocimientos, hay muchos hilos interesantes para participar y aprender muchas cosas.

    Have you done some translating work in the past? Official or un-official?

    Or are you ready to get a fresh start in this world?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the forum Beatriz01!
    I usually work with Memsource. We have a tuto in this forum:
    How to Get Started in Memsource
    How to QA files in Memsource
    MemoQ and Trados are pretty popular too.

    As a PM, I can tell you we always need non-native speakers for translations as well. Let's take for example a short file with awful handwritten text, in Spanish, to translate into English. I always prefer using a native Spanish speaker for the translation (meybe not for the edition or proofreading), given that he will probably take a better look at the handwritings, being used to them.

    What fields do you specialize in? Did you study translation or linguistics?

  4. #4
    Contributing User SophieC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beatriz01 View Post
    I'm from Mexico, but currently living in the USA. I'm preparing myself to start working as a freelance (English-Spanish) translator.
    Any recommendations? What kind of translating tools do you use? What is the best Spanish dictionary to use online?

    I have been living for a long time in the USA and earned an advanced English certificate online, so I'm fluent in both languages. Not sure if I should translate to English as well as is not my native language.
    Hola Beatriz!!

    Bienvenida al foro
    En que parte de EE.UU?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Eidjit: Hola! I have done some un-official translations. I translated some videos on Youtube and one document for my husband. I don't have much experience, but I'm ready to take the next step.

    Nabylm: Thank you for the recommendations, I don't have a specialization nor studied linguistics, but I open to do it if necessary. I have taken some English courses and I read and watch TV in English a lot. If you have a specific translation course that you could recommend would be great!

    Sophie. C: I live in Lee's Summit Missouri.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Well, I could recommend the google online localization course:
    It's not specifically based on translation, but gives you a more general overview of the translation and localization market nowadays.

    I can give you tips and useful reference links too, such as:
    -RAE: Diccionario panhispánico de dudas | Real Academia Española
    -asale: Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española
    -fundeu: premios | Fundéu BBVA
    -List of medical acronyms (always useful): https://www.cms.gov/apps/acronyms/re...dvanced+Search

    Hope this helps

  7. #7
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    Talking Re: Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the Forum, Beatriz01!

    With luck with your newfound career! I hope you find the Forum useful!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Thank you so much!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Hi Beatriz! Welcome to the forum!!

    In which field would you like to specialize? In my opinion, it's better to focus in one particular area, rather than searching for translation jobs in any field. It will probably take more time for you to have a reasonable workload but it'll give you some advantage over the competitors. In my experience, it is hard to find good technical or medical translators so those could be starting points if they interest you!

    Good luck!

  10. #10
    Contributing User SophieC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beatriz01 View Post
    Eidjit: Hola! I have done some un-official translations. I translated some videos on Youtube and one document for my husband. I don't have much experience, but I'm ready to take the next step.

    Nabylm: Thank you for the recommendations, I don't have a specialization nor studied linguistics, but I open to do it if necessary. I have taken some English courses and I read and watch TV in English a lot. If you have a specific translation course that you could recommend would be great!

    Sophie. C: I live in Lee's Summit Missouri.
    I am learning English. If I need help, could I count on you?

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