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Thread: Late paying translation agencies

  1. #1
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    Default Late paying translation agencies

    Dear translators,
    My name is Carlos, I have been working with translations for the last 20 years and never had problems to receive the payments, until now.

    Does anybody work or worked for WAGNER CONSULTING? They always pay late, one or two months, however, this last times it is getting worse. I wonder if anybody experienced the same issue?

    Please, let me know.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Late paying translation agencies

    Hello, Carlos Emilio.

    I truly regret that you had to go through this unfair situation. I know there are blacklists online created by freelance translators who support each other even in tough circumstances. You should try and find some info online about your "Wagner Consulting".

    I'm afraid this is bad news for you:

    Non-Payer: Wagner Consulting International

    "Wagner Consulting International is spamming members of TD with job offers with ridiculous rates. Of course, this company does not usually pay its translators. It has been banned from posting jobs at proz.com and now uses TD instead."

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